The Black Ace is a combination of the energies of spades and clubs, where ideas and inspiration demand action. Stronger than either of the black Aces, more practical than the red Aces, don’t mess around when you see it.
The Cartomancy Aces are most often welcomed in a draw, as they inspire newness in many aspects: growth, challenges, ideas, love, opportunities, perspectives New everything! They are usually seen as positive, if you are ready for change or to see things with a new vision. Aces are the root force, the spark or seed of the suit. They have no purpose yet, but are filled with raw potential. They are the active energy of the suit ready to be used. They can also indicate compass direction or season. They represent the seed of potential, the potential of what could happen next, because it hasn’t yet fully manifested. And within any Cartomancy reading, the Aces show us that possibility. It’s up to us to turn it into something further.

Upright Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity
The Ace is the representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements, he takes the potential innate in us all and molds it into being with the power of desire. He is the connecting force between heaven and earth, for he understands the meaning behind the words as above so below – that mind and world are only reflections of one another. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world and the outer will follow.
The Black Ace is a seeker for the knowledge that comes from within. A lonely wanderer in the path of the night, he searches for that which can only be gained with long periods of solitude – the inner voice. To hear it, he must disconnect from the crowds whose voices and desires threaten to overcome his own. He walks through the dark night of his unconscious, guided only by the low light of the northern star, with his destination being his home, his self.
Reversed Meanings: hastiness, withdrawal, rashness, paranoia, isolation, foolishness, immaturity, loneliness, imprudence, bring reclusive, restrictive, anti-social
When reversed, you are perhaps in a situation where you’d like to be alone; there is nothing wrong about that. However, there is a possibility that your seclusion may become harmful to both yourself and others. Though The Black Ace sets forwards with noble intentions to search for his inner truth, his path inward may also be filled with great danger. Going inward may lead to madness and the abyss, for the unconscious is filled with images that he may not yet understand, lurking and waiting to lure you ever inside. Like a man that gets lost in his own dreams, The Black Ace may find himself stuck in a world of his own, alone, trapped, unreal. You must learn to balance your need for truth with connection to your fellow human.