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Upright Meanings: go against the flow, champion, risk-taker, strong man, single-minded, impatient, assertive, intellectual, rebellious, focused, soldier, jump in, perfectionist, forward-thinking, honest, clever person, ambitious, hero, seize the moment, quick-wit, direct, big changes/ opportunities, brave, daring, impulsive, courageous, talkative, braver, arrival/departure
When we are thoroughly obsessed by a certain idea and strongly wish to manifest it, we are oftentimes so blinded by the actual desire for its fulfillment that we fail to note the difficulties which we may come across, or the actions and consequences that it could bring. The Magician is a very powerful figure that is full of life as well as energy. This needs to be balanced with a proper and actual realization of compassion and responsibility.
Reversed Meanings: go with the flow, rude, criminal, aggressive, forceful, dangerous, left behind, heading for a fall, follower, coward, insincere, tyranny, know it all, vicious, hurtful, sarcastic, troublemaker, out of your depth, leading others to danger, missed opportunities, arrogant, out of control, a crafty, bully, self-obsessed, tactless, unfocused
The Reversed Magician suggests incredible impatience, impulsiveness alongside his bursting with energy. The Magician of Swords has a lot of energy but lacks any kind of direction and this oftentimes results in them making rather rash decisions as well as pulling down other people with them. Their thoughts are oftentimes scattered throughout without any actual organization or logic. They are most likely disorganized and unprepared for the things that they actually want to achieve. The Magician reversal meaning indicates that you still have a lot of miles to walk in order to get the valuable life experience that you need in order to overcome adversities along the way. This is something to consider.