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Usually setting up home near a river, marshlands or a deep forest path, the loner was often thought to live like a hermit but unseen to many would proffer safe passage and act as a guide to travelers. Often interpreted as loneliness, withdrawal or isolation (and it can sometimes mean those things) this card signifies an inner level of emotions. The mystery of the Loner is much more spiritual and re-assuring. He/she symbolizes the withdrawal into ones own emotional center, where the guidance of the still inner voice may be clearly heard and drawn upon.
The Loner dwelt in the quiet place, symbolically where we retreat to when we meditate or dream. This is our philosopher within, our spiritual guide who leads us to the higher planes. Through this we reach our Higher Self and the wealth of energy and power of the universe. If you have not yet found the place you feel is your center then practice exploring yourself a little. You will know it when you find it. When we do this we often find several things they arent happy with but for every murky rock you mentally throw away, new growth will spring up in its place.
Eventually youll discover that thoughts are tools that we invest with far too much importance much of the time. They are peripheral and often interfere with our growth. Behind them you will find your dreams, hopes, aspirations and emotions, and more importantly, the needs of your soul.
In readings, the Loner often suggests a need for time alone – a period of reflection when distractions are limited. In times of action and high energy, this card stands for the still center that must be created for balance and can also indicate that withdrawal or retreat into it is advised for the moment. In reverse the Loner can represent seeking of all kinds, especially a deeper understanding of a situation. ‘Seek, and ye shall find,’ is a well known saying, and it’s very true of this card.
This past life was chosen to learn to live in acceptance of who we are, not relying on others to define our reality. An upright card shows that most of the lessons we chose this life for have been learned but look closely to see if the Loner still lives within you.
This past life was chosen to learn to live in acceptance of who we are, not relying on others to define our reality. An upright card shows that most of the lessons we chose this life for have been learned but look closely to see if the Loner still lives within you.
Upright Meanings: caution, prudence, soul searching, introspection, withdrawal, vigilance, spiritual enlightenment, inner guidance, self-reflection, contemplation, inner strength
Reversed Meanings: hastiness, withdrawal, rashness, paranoia, isolation, foolishness, immaturity, loneliness, imprudence, bring reclusive, restrictive, anti-social