Meaning in Dreams: Raven. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Ravens are believed to have magical powers and ability to communicate between realms of the living and the spirit world.
Category: dream-meanings
Rat Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Rat. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Rat
Teeth Falling Out Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Teeth Falling Out. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreams about teeth falling out are often associated with loss and important life changes. This dream
Butterfly Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Butterfly. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Butterfly
Elephants Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Elephants. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Elephants
Demons Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Demons. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: I am probably going to step on a few toes here. We have quite a lot of people here who practice thei
Wolf Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Wolf. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming of a wolf symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to
Ostrich Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Ostrich. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: An Ostrich in a dream has broadly one meaning and that is to do with running away from a situation o
Spider Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Spider. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a White Spider is a sign of faithfulness, friendship and forgiveness. You are ready to
Snake Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Snake. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The meaning of a colorful snake dreams depends much on what the snake is doing, for example is it ch
Cats Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Cats. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean wild cats dream meaning? Cats have retractile claws, slender muscular
Crocodiles Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Crocodiles. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: To dream about a resting crocodile in the water may be a signal for you to take on a new perspective
Badger Dream Meaning
Meaning in Dreams: Badger. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a badger is indicative of a desire for independence. It may be time to draw away from
Dog Dream Meaning
Meaning in Dreams: Dog. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean wild dogs dream meaning? The canid family is a lineage that includes
Horse Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Horse. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The Horse represents energy, power, carrying messages and communicating with other realms. Dreaming
Lynx Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Lynx. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The lynx is a medium-sized wild cat with eyes that glow in the dark. Dreaming of a lynx may symboliz
Jaguar Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Jaguar. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Traditionally, the Jaguar in our dreams represents power, ferocity and wisdom as well as protection
Elk Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Elk. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Elk are powerful, adaptable animals that have played a significant role in cultural mythologies. Elk
Moose Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Moose. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming of a moose can suggest you want left alone or not want to have something about you noticed
Armadillo Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Armadillo. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Armadillos are typically considered armored so they can also represent the need to protect oneself f