Water: With ties to water, it suggests the ebb and flow of daily life. Lovers, think about who is giving and who is taking. Occasionally it can symbolize a feeling of drowning, that everything is overwhelming.
Air: The Swan may suggest someone whose head is in the clouds or who is full of hot air. On a spiritual level it represents intuition and may be a sign of developing gifts or abilities.
Peace: The Swan can represent peace, happiness, contentment. If things aren’t going too well right now, it is a good omen for better times. It’s a great card for romance, careers and money matters.
Money: The Swan can be a card about money and financial prosperity. It can come as a warning or a sign that things are going to get better. It can sometimes signify a business man such as an accountant, banker or solicitor.
The Swan is very much a sign of money matters and charitable deeds. If you are worried about money The Swan is a sign things will improve.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: kindness, assistance, prosperity, power, donations, wealth, philanthropy, being well paid, giving/receiving, fairness, charity, being valued, generosity, authority, investors, money, employment, rewards for hard work, support, sharing, community, gratitude, control, gifts
The Swan card represents gifts, kindness and generosity. Someone in your life may be very generous towards you with gifts or money or simply generous with their time, knowledge or wisdom. Alternately, you may have so much wealth and prosperity that you are the one in a position to help others. This minor card can indicate sharing, support, charity or donations. As such, if you are in a difficult situation at the moment, this card can indicate that there is help available and that someone will assist or support you if you reach out. You may be feeling a strong sense of community spirit or compelled to help those around you when it appears in your spread. It is also a card of power and control so you may find yourself in a position of authority or being well-respected by others when it appears in your reading. The Swan is usually a positive card to get as it can signify equality and fairness and can also symbolise being well paid, being valued or being rewarded for hard work. If you are prospering when it appears, remember to share your good fortune with those around you!
Reversed Meanings: inequality, jealousy, unfairness, miserliness, extortion, scams, meanness, underpaid, gullibility, lack/abuse of generosity, lack of investment, greed, subservience, fake charity, abuse of power or position, gifts with strings attached, bad debts, unemployment, undervalued, poor financial decisions, lack of charity
The Swan reversed card can represent lack of generosity, meanness or gifts that come with strings or conditions attached. Someone in your life may be showing you generosity but have ulterior motives or they may be in a position to help you but they may be abusing that position or trying to make you subservient to them. If you are in a position of power, it can be an indication that you are using your power for ill means. This minor card reversed can signify lack of charity or community spirit. It can also represent fake charities, scams, extortion or being conned. When it appears you may need to assess if you are going to the extreme of being too greedy or mean or the other extreme of being too generous or gullible. It can also indicate that you are groveling or being a kiss-ass to someone with wealth, power or authority or someone is behaving that way towards you.