The Red Queen is a combination of the energies of hearts and diamonds, where emotions and practicality fight for balance. Stronger than either of the red Queens, more emotional than the black Queens, don’t wait too long when you see it.
The Queens are the feminine counterparts of the Kings. They are also a reflection or a certain aspect of the Empress. These cards are very strong and have a weight in a reading that is naturally superior to a Joker or Jack for instance. Just like the Kings, they can become threatening when reversed. But even head up, they’re more complex and contrasted than the Kings. Mostly because in the Middle-Ages, women were not only considered inferior to men, they were always a possible danger. These aspects can be used or not in a reading depending on your culture, background but above all, the energy of the session you’re in.

Upright Meanings: spiritual transformation, endings, change, transformation, unexpected change, new beginnings, failure, loss, letting go, transition
spiritual transformation, endings, change, transformation, unexpected change, new beginnings, failure, loss, letting go, transition
Reversed Meanings: repression of intuition, lack of self-belief, selfishness, ignorance, misunderstanding, unwanted attention, shallowness, uncontrolled outbursts and sexual tension, blocked psychic powers
When it comes to The Red Queen reversed, it can mean that you are finding it difficult to listen to your intuition. It is time for you to meditate and try new approach, for at this moment, the rational approach will not work. Something has been telling you to follow your gut, but you may be ignoring the call. There is a lot of confusion around you and your actions may feel contrary to what you know is right. You must never be afraid to ask questions of yourself that may illuminate a new path forward for you, one that is more authentic to your inner self and your individual values.