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There are many aspects of the Inquisitor that should remind us of the lessons to be learned within a Tarot Death card meaning the end of a bad situation. All life is change – we can either surrender to this, or fight against it. What the Inquisitor teaches us is that the power of life is undeniable. We can learn our lessons the easy way – by being open and accepting; or we can do things the hard way, clinging to things and ideas that no longer work for us. In that case, life will come along and, like a hurricane, batter us with the winds of change till we submit!
The Inquisitor cautions us to examine ourselves, to identify the things to which we are clinging that no longer serve us well. We need to be alert to the concepts life itself presents us with. Listen carefully for random thoughts which will point you in the right direction. When the Inquisitor rules, it is possible that unexpected events will take place that you hadn’t seen coming. If so, remember that to resist change is to deny life, and bear in mind that life is eventually going to win this battle anyhow – so lie back, relax and accept. And keep your sense of humor close at hand!
Sudden crises are life’s way of telling you to wake up. Something’s wrong, and you’re not responding. Are you too full of pride? Expect a blow to your ego. Are you holding back your anger? Expect the dam to burst. Are you stuck in a rut? Expect a surprise. How you respond to the Inquisitor’s change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. In fact, you may feel tremendous release that you have finally been forced in a new direction. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it.
The Inquisitors role was to eliminate heresy and anything contrary to the doctrine or teachings of the time. Often known for torture, in the times of the Salem witch trials, many Inquisitors sent suspected witches to be burned at the stake. At other times in history, simply having the wrong religion had dire consequences. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean you also were responsible for these atrocious acts but the card implies unfair judgments regarding those who opposed us in a past life.
This past life is much easier to atone for than many others, despite it’s connotations. It’s one big lesson – tolerance of the beliefs and opinions of others, even when they are totally contrary to our own.
This past life is much easier to atone for than many others, despite it’s connotations. It’s one big lesson – tolerance of the beliefs and opinions of others, even when they are totally contrary to our own.
Upright Meanings: bankruptcy, loss, unexpected events, disaster, destruction, pain, abandonment, trauma, disruption, chaos, sudden upheaval, tragedy, end of friendship, violence, revelations, unexpected change, abuse, divorce, downfall, confusion
Reversed Meanings: averting disaster, delaying the inevitable, avoiding tragedy, resisting change, old ways, rustic, entrapment, imprisonment