The King is a combination of the energies of all four suits. It signifies balance (or lack of when reversed). It is a stronger card than a suited King and needs to be taken seriously. Relating to a person or situation, it often means multiple choices.
Kings were always, by default, positive figures. They guaranteed the stability of a Kingdom. They cared for security and justice and would protect the people from invasions and aggressions. Unless surrounded by a negative spread or reversed, the King is always a strong positive figure in a Cartomancy spread. It often represents an important man in the questioner’s life or the questioner himself if a man. The Kings of the minor suits also reflect a certain aspect or face of the Emperor in the deck. Kings are considered to be the most mature of the Court Cards. They have traveled through life successfully and are now at the pinnacle of experience and understanding. Thus, the Kings represent the fully developed personalities of each of the Suits.

Upright Meanings: loss, unexpected events, disaster, destruction, pain, abandonment, trauma, disruption, chaos, sudden upheaval, tragedy, end of friendship, violence, revelations, unexpected change, abuse, divorce, downfall, confusion
loss, unexpected events, disaster, destruction, pain, abandonment, trauma, disruption, chaos, sudden upheaval, tragedy, end of friendship, violence, revelations, unexpected change, abuse, divorce, downfall, confusion
Reversed Meanings: rigidity, excessively controlling, loss of business, absentee father, abuse of power, lack of control, family problems, lack of ambition, dependency, stubbornness, lack of discipline
The King reversed is a sign of abused authoritative power. In your social life, it can manifest in the overreach of power from a father figure or a possessive partner. In career readings, it could be coming from a superior. It presents a man who wants to take control of your actions and makes you feel powerless. It could also be that you are playing the part of a weak ruler, hatching a plan to avoid the tasks that come with having responsibility. Perhaps you aspire for a career that is more flexible than one that is governed by strict rules.