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- Past Life Cards
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- Past Life Quiz

The Healer is a warm happy energized card, which promises healing, growth and enjoyment. We have emerged from the somewhat shadowy and mysterious realms of the Moon and it’s intermittent darkness into the bright light of day now. Gone are the tests and trials set us by the demands of our own growth. It’s time to laugh and dance and celebrate. When the Healer appears, we find new ways of resolving problems, new perspectives and fresh viewpoints. We see things more clearly, and are able to objectively consider obstacles and difficulties. We have the energy we need to throw ourselves into life, and to dynamically deal with anything that we discover.
In readings, you will understand this card better if you put yourself in the position of a healer in long gone times. How do you think and feel? You have total confidence in yourself. You are not cocky, but profoundly sure of your power. You have unlimited energy and glow with health. You have a greatness about you and stand out brilliantly. Finally, you see and understand all that is happening within your sphere. When you see this card, know that you will be successful at all you undertake. Now is the time to let your light shine and help others wherever you can!
In olden times many healers were charged with illegally practicing medicine, raising serious questions about the motives of male physicians in discrediting them as incompetent and/or dangerous. Supported by both clerical and civil authorities female healers were often as branded as witches. The church perceived these women, with their special, often esoteric, healing skills, as a threat to its supremacy in the lives of its parishioners. The result was the brutal persecution of many peasant women who sought only to heal, both mind and body.
If you feel a sense of unease after drawing this card, consider how it may affect you now. Do you feel you were persecuted in a past life? Did you perhaps betray someone to save yourself? Did you sell spells, some of which were not for the better good? Can you relate this to your current life, not in a literal way but more in the sense that you have ‘looked the other way’ when you could have helped someone? Have you joined in ‘putting someone down’ gossip-wise or otherwise encouraged something, thinking it’s ok as you didn’t start it? We all have baggage like that but this card reminds us to check ourselves.
This past life was chosen to learn how it feels to be persecuted. In the past this would be very literal, and perhaps even in modern life it could be the case. The important thing is how we handle it and also to make sure we aren’t the one dishing it out.
This past life was chosen to learn how it feels to be persecuted. In the past this would be very literal, and perhaps even in modern life it could be the case. The important thing is how we handle it and also to make sure we aren’t the one dishing it out.
Upright Meanings: fun, success, accomplishment, love, vitality, satisfaction, truth, optimism, freedom, joy, self-expression, happiness, openness, good luck, enthusiasm, positivity, happy marriage, confidence
Reversed Meanings: ego, lack of enthusiasm, excessive enthusiasm, canceled plans, conceitedness, pessimism, break ups, stillbirth, miscarriage, sadness, unrealistic expectations, oppression, loneliness, unhappiness