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Upright Meanings: spiritual transformation, endings, change, transformation, unexpected change, new beginnings, failure, loss, letting go, transition, bad luck, death
The Destroyer is one of the most feared cards in the deck and it is very misunderstood. Many people avoid mentioning this card because it has that much power. Most times, people take the name of the card literally. However, the real meaning within The Destroyer card is one of the most positive in the whole deck. The Destroyer card signals that one major phase in your life is ending and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you.
Reversed Meanings: immobility, death, fear of beginnings, repeating negative patterns, stagnation, resisting change, inability to move forward, slow changes, cheating
The Destroyer reversal meaning is still about change, but that you have been resisting it. You could be worried about letting go of the past, or you could not be sure of the changes that you need to make to go forward. Resisting the change and holding onto the past can limit your future, which can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. You should take some time to assess the ways that you have been approaching changes in your life. You may find you have been halting the changes that you need due to fears of the unknown. While you can still be afraid, you should trust that you are taking the right steps and move forward. Life moves on, so fighting passing time is only going to leave you with regrets. The Destroyer does not have to be a card of regret, especially if you heed its warning.