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Upright Meanings: perfection, accomplishment, sense of belonging, fulfillment, travel, eternal life, completion, fulfilment, achievement, success, recognition
To encounter The Creator in your cards is to encounter a great unity and wholeness. It symbolizes the moment when the inner and the outer worlds – self and other – become a single entity. In some traditions, this state is described as enlightenment, or nirvana. There is a recognition that the individual self is profoundly linked with all other things and that we all dance and sway along the flow of life to one rhythm. Not only do you hear this rhythm, but you participate in it – following the dips and the rises, the joys and the sorrows.
Reversed Meanings: burden, lack of vision, imperfection, lack of achievement, disappointment, lack of success, stagnation
You are drawing near to something that marks the end of a journey or an era. You may have many accomplishments that have lined your path, but there is a strange emptiness that fills you when you look backwards upon it, as if you have all the pieces but they are not coming together. What is missing? Do you feel connected to what you’re doing? Do you feel connected to others? What alienates you from feeling complete? From feeling whole?