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- Past Life Cards
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- Past Life Quiz

In Medieval times the men would often brew ale and the women wine or mead. The children would also be required to help. When the Brewer appears in a reading, it shows that there is an energy available which will break down obstacles, move restrictions and allow the free flow of power in any situation you direct it toward. In a past life there will have been problems which refuse to yield to any reasonable solution previously attempted.
This card often indicates ‘addictions’ or over-indulgence, sometimes for the querant but often the male in the partnership (and occasionally offspring). In olden times this would usually be a case of ‘drinking the profits’ but in modern times can point to anything from binge-eating, drug addiction, an inability to remain faithful etc to less serious issues like a tendency to over-indulge, smoking, making a fool of yourself through drink, failing at diets, constantly falling for unsuitable partners and so on. It can sometimes refer to obsessions or a tendency to be OCD about something.
When you get this blast from the past, go looking for problems! Try to locate those things – whether major or minor, that have refused resolution till now. When you find something that seems applicable, sit down for a few minutes and mentally walk around the obstacle, trying to get a new perspective on it.
During this time of contemplation be open to new possibilities for solving the problem. Wait for the out-of-the-blue thought that strikes you as though from nowhere. When you discover it, try it out, no matter how outlandish it may at first appear. Be open to what lessons the Brewer brings from this past life. When we leave ourselves open for the Universe to convey its thoughts to us, they can arrive from the most unexpected sources! Be prepared to consider any options offered to you obliquely – don’t take them at face value; try to turn them into applications for the matter you are attempting to resolve. Make sure to keep your sense of humor going strong – you need a light-hearted attitude to get the best out of this card. You’ll be amazed at the things you will get done once you master the lessons to be learned from the Brewer.
This past life was chosen so you could learn to resist the temptations that are constantly put in front of us. An upright card shows you are getting to grips with things that bedeviled you in past lives. Just stay grounded in what you know is good for you.
This past life was chosen so you could learn to resist the temptations that are constantly put in front of us. An upright card shows you are getting to grips with things that bedeviled you in past lives. Just stay grounded in what you know is good for you.
Upright Meanings: hastiness, exciting times, infatuation, ahead, gaining momentum, being swept off your feet, movement, obsession, travel, new ideas, positive, holiday, love, energetic, progress, speed, taking off, freedom, sudden action, journey, hard work paying off, results, rushing, holiday romances, action, solutions, thinking on your feet
Reversed Meanings: unfinished business, lack of energy, bad timing, impulsive, courage, slow progress, violence, quarrels, slowness, hysterical, lack of speed/ movement/ action/ results, restriction, late start, losing momentum, panicked, lack of romance, missed opportunities, impatient, negativity, delayed/ cancelled/ returning from travel or holidays