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Upright Meanings: focus, stimulating people and environments, new beginnings, assertiveness, victory, mental clarity, authority, clear thinking, realising the truth, intellectual ability, new ideas, intensity, breakthroughs, new plans, vision, new projects, valiant, ability to concentrate, success, justice, communication, force, love
The Enquirer indicates that one is about to experience a moment of breakthrough. With its sharp blade and representing the power of the intellect, this sword has the ability to cut through deception and find truth. In layman’s terms, this card represents that moment in which one can see the world from a new point of view, as a place that is filled with nothing but new possibilities. It is, therefore, the best time to work on your goals. This card gives a green light and signals waiting opportunities and new beginnings.
Reversed Meanings: insults, intellectual inability, tyranny, obstacles, hostility, inability to concentrate, power, creative blocks, destruction, confusion, misinformation, memory loss, arguments, injustice, lack of assertiveness, making the wrong decision, lack of ideas, failure, hate triumphing over love, frustration, lack of communication
Getting The Reversed Enquirer might mean that one’s thoughts are confused, unsure and very chaotic. This isnt a good time for one to make any decisions since they dont have any clarity on what you should be doing, meaning that the chances of failure can be pretty high. At this time, it would be better to prepare yourself and take baby steps – work methodically as you slowly move towards achieving your goals. This would be a good time to lay back and rationally think your way through each stage rather than acting on impulse, since everything appears in a blur and is not very clear at that moment. It might also be a good time to seek advice since things may not be as they seem.