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- Spirit Guide Name
Upright Meanings: results, productivity, master, scholarship, craftsmanship, attention to detail, learning, success, self-employment, trade, financial security, employment, accomplishment, hard work, commitment, money, new job, confidence, rewards, concentration, reputation, building business, dedication, achieving goals, ambition, expertise, quality
This card indicates a time that you have to work hard and focus entirely on your tasks. This is not necessarily a negative situation, but this means that you must really strive to be the best. The task that you need to accomplish can be personal or professional. No matter what type of task it is, do not be afraid to ask for help when things get overwhelming. The Deliverer refers to the efforts that you undertake. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of things that you need to address. Hard work is essential, but you still need to find a balance.
Reversed Meanings: laziness, poor concentration/productivity, failure, debt, dislike, no ambition, dead-end career, bad reputation, shoddy workmanship, rush job, scams, under-qualified, financial insecurity, repetitive or boring job, overspending, workaholic, poor quality, materialistic, mediocrity, void, carelessness, lack of effort/confidence/commitment/ambition/focus, mean
When reversed, The Deliverer signifies something similar to the upright position, but the tasks may be even more demanding. This means that you need to execute swiftly and with great care if you want to be happy and successful with this outcome. In terms of work, The Deliverer reversed refers to the importance of impressing your employer through your diligence, dedication and intelligence. Never avoid any task or responsibility in your work – or else this can damage your reputation. In love, The Deliverer may reveal that both of you may not be prepared to handle the responsibilities to make your relationship work