The Dolphin is compassion, caring, community and generosity
What does dreaming about The Dolphin mean?
Dreaming of a dolphin symbolizes spiritual guidance, your intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. Utilize your mind to its capacity and you will move upward in life.
Water: With ties to water, it suggests the ebb and flow of daily life. Lovers, think about who is giving and who is taking. Occasionally it can symbolize a feeling of drowning, that everything is overwhelming.
Black-or-White: The Dolphin can represent a person who sees things as right or wrong, no shades of grey or someone very set in their ways. It can also suggest a situation where there is no easy answer.
Spiritual: The Dolphin is a card about spirituality, faith or religion. It is usually a good omen and brings inspiration and acknowledgement of blossoming gifts.
Fertility: Drawing The Dolphin can be a sign of pregnancy, present or future. It can also represent a very young child or a mother-to-be in your life. More symbolically it can mean seeds of an idea or project that need your attention.
The Dolphin is connected to faith or spiritual enlightenment. It can suggest an awakening of clairaudience (hearing spirit voices). Listen for spirit whispers!
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: creativity, family, homecomings, happy ever after, domestic bliss, children, harmony, blessings, happiness, reunions, marriage, long term relationships, fun, fate, life, play, family gatherings, soulmates, friendship, destiny, well-being, good luck, security, caring, abundance, stability, happy families
The Dolphin card is a great card to have in your reading as it represents true happiness and emotional and spiritual fulfilment. It tells you that you will be living your happy ever after and can look forward to domestic bliss. This minor card represents happy families, children, caring and fun. You should be feeling very happy and secure when it appears in your reading. Life should be full of true contentment. This applies to you and your circle of family and friends. Everything you need you should have in abundance and you will be feeling truly blessed. Now is a time to reap the rewards of your previous hard work. The Dolphin card also represents playfulness and creativity so you may find the fun factor in your life goes up a notch when this card makes an appearance. The Dolphin can also signify reunions, home comings or family gatherings so if you have been away from your family, friends or partner or they have gone abroad, you can expect to be reunited with them.
Reversed Meanings: keeping up appearances, disharmony, family secrets, dysfunctional family, social services, quarrel, rocky relationships, neglect, lack of security/stability, lack of teamwork, miscarriage, losing your home, broken home, non-traditional families, not wanting marriage/children, waste, broken relationships, infertility, homesickness, divorce, unhappy home/family life, isolation, foster families, conflict, separation
The Reversed Dolphin is another card full of promise and joy. This card points to happiness in general, but also carries the warning not to overlook the happiness already in your life in a quest for some elusive ‘perfect future.’ Live for today.