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- Past Life Cards
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- Past Life Quiz

When you draw the Nun in a Past Life reading, it indicates strong religious convictions – not necessarily traditional beliefs but an acceptance of a higher power and a connection with the spirit within as well as the spirit beyond the current life. The reasons for becoming a nun were not always something women had a say about. Often women chose the life to avoid marriage or were forced into it due to circumstances such as pregnancy outside of marriage.
Women were believed to be intellectually inferior and often settled for convent life to get an education, subsequently finding their ‘education’ drew them to a belief in spiritual matters. The darker side of the Nuns life may have included feelings of being trapped or, for those reaching positions of authority, feelings of guilt as regards the harsh treatment of other vulnerable women. This can often result strong feelings in the current life without exactly knowing why.
The Nun can mean a dreamer who often sees dreams manifest in real life. This card represents the earthy part of water, where dreams can become reality, highlighting situations that need our attention. The push and shove of daily life, the pain, the sadness and the suffering can all make us afraid to dream, to wish, to hope. We lose sight of the fact that, if we do not dream our dreams, we can have no dreams come true.
Being a Nun often meant conforming to a set way of life that in different circumstances would not be your choice. So what lingers form this past life? Feelings of frustration for a life we don’t really want? Feeling trapped due to circumstances or being subject to the control of the others? On a brighter note, it can mean a tendency to daydream (which is not always positive) but dreams can be a way of connecting to the spirit world and using that for the good of ourselves or others.
An upright card often signifies a need to follow your spiritual path. Clairvoyants and those wondering if they have the ability often draw this card. Sometimes it signifies finally accepting certain spiritual beliefs and changing life to better ourselves, using our experiences to help others.
An upright card often signifies a need to follow your spiritual path. Clairvoyants and those wondering if they have the ability often draw this card. Sometimes it signifies finally accepting certain spiritual beliefs and changing life to better ourselves, using our experiences to help others.
Upright Meanings: youthfulness, crush, pregnancies, marriages, naivety, gentleness, sweetness, romance, becoming emotionally mature, loyalty, inner-voice, idealism, spirituality, sensitivity, beauty, psychic, dreamer, inner-child, romantic proposals, engagements, messages, fashion, births, kindness, artistic, child, admirer, happy news, interest in literature
Reversed Meanings: becoming sexually active, attention seeking, selfishness, jealousy, vindictiveness, no desires, sexual abuse, obsession, poor imagination, ignoring inner voice or inner child, being obsessed with image, broken dreams, emotional vulnerability/ immaturity/wounds, bad news, childhood issues, envy, promiscuity, seduction, cancelled social events/engagements/ proposals