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The Roofer was a man of clarity and vision, free from confusion and was able to clear obstacles and difficulties out of the way. This card has a sweeping whirling energy – like a breath of fresh air. It blows away the cobwebs, washes away the red herrings, and generally allows us to see straight through to the core of any situation which requires our attention.
When thi card appears, we will find ourselves able to make decisions which have confounded us before, often as a result of receiving new information or being able to remove distractions and mysteries.
The Roofer was proficient in the use of mortar, reeds, thatch, wood and slate. They would work with other builders and obviously had a good head for heights. The middle ages saw a great many buildings being erected, many of which were thatched. The rich and the pious provided almshouses for the poor, hospitals for the leper and the lame and chapels for priests. Thus a good roofer, whilst still looked down on as a tradesman was also considered the elite amongst builders, commanding a good wage.
In readings, The Roofer indicates that a seed from the former life remains, although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be a compelling idea, desire for the truth, a call for justice or a need to be honest with yourself or others. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.
An upright card often signifies that you are building on your past life, progressing well on your current life path. There are still things to explore though – is that germ of an idea in your subconscious something to pursue?
An upright card often signifies that you are building on your past life, progressing well on your current life path. There are still things to explore though – is that germ of an idea in your subconscious something to pursue?
Upright Meanings: focus, stimulating people and environments, new beginnings, assertiveness, victory, mental clarity, authority, clear thinking, realising the truth, intellectual ability, new ideas, intensity, breakthroughs, new plans, vision, new projects, valiant, ability to concentrate, success, justice, communication, force, love
Reversed Meanings: insults, intellectual inability, tyranny, obstacles, hostility, inability to concentrate, power, creative blocks, destruction, confusion, misinformation, memory loss, arguments, injustice, lack of assertiveness, making the wrong decision, lack of ideas, failure, hate triumphing over love, frustration, lack of communication