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Upright Meanings: abandonment, loneliness, looking for the truth, courage, introspection, withdrawal, fatigue, leaving a bad situation, abandoning plans, travelling, escapism, self-discovery, looking deeper, self-analysis, walking away, letting go, reaching limit, emotional strength, disappointment, misery
The Changeling signifies time for change or transition, by means of walking away from something. Just like a caterpillar has to die before transforming into a beautiful butterfly, we all need to transform ourselves in our lives from time to time. This is the case especially after being tired of living what was the day to day and embarking on a journey that will help one have a deeper understanding about life in general. Getting the upright side of this card shows that you are dissatisfied with your life and need to experience a higher purpose in life. You may have been exploring your options, flitting about from one choice to another, tasting the wine in each cup, as a means to sort out what it is that you really want with your life. You are now experiencing a feeling of exhaustion – and are coming to a realization that you must step away from what is familiar. It is a choice and a recognition that true happiness will not be found in what you have already created.
Reversed Meanings: faking happiness, stagnation, pleasure, lack of self-worth, accepting your lot, lack of emotional maturity, success, low self-esteem, fear of commitment, lack of self-awareness, clinginess, staying in a bad situation, joy, fear of moving on, monotony
Getting The Reversed Changeling can show that one is in a state of confusion about which path they are supposed to take. The confusion usually arises from not knowing what is best for you and in the end, drifting in a sea of uncertainty is going to be the resulting effect. One is likely to find themselves being aimless and not having clear cut goals in their lives. And in the end, they almost always end up following wherever the waves of life take them.