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Upright Meanings: nostalgia, disillusion, self-absorption, frustration, meditation, stagnation, remorse, yearning, reevaluation, dissatisfaction, boredom, missed opportunities, refusing offers, depression, kindness, weariness, regret, apathy, day-dreaming, focusing on the negative, redemption
The Procrastinator tend to appear when you are feeling discouraged and unmotivated. You may feel as if there is no solution or way forward in your situation. Life has become stagnant and nothing seems to make you happy or passionate. You are feeling apathetic – regardless of what happens, whether the day is good or bad, none of it matters to you. The Procrastinator commands a self-evaluation of your attitude so that you can pull yourself out of this rut. The solution is likely right in front of you, the hand is offering you a way out, but you release yourself out of your mental stubbornness and deploy new approach.
Reversed Meanings: beginning, focusing on the positive, focus, new goals, gratitude, being proactive, zest for life, motivation, seizing opportunities, interest, enthusiasm, letting go of regret, ambitions, self-awareness, end of stagnation
While in The Procrastinator you may be suffering from apathy and ignore the opportunities that the universe offers you, The Reversed Procrastinator signals the desire to have a new start.