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Upright Meanings: responsibilities, burn-out, drudgery, resistance, duty, ruined, taken for granted, delays, saddled, keep going, lost focus, obligation, restricted, overburdened, stress, taking on too much, problems, major challenges, failure, lost your way, struggle, weight on shoulders, overloaded, uphill struggle, pain, lack of fun/ spontaneity
This card shows that you have already completed the circle of struggle. After spending too many resources and lots of energy looking for success, you have finally overcome the obstacles. The sweat off your brow was worth it – your efforts have finally been rewarded. You may find yourself living in a world of abundance where poverty and suffering have no chance to intervene. Although it sounds marvelous and satisfying, the card depicts a lot of responsibilities on your side. You are now the sole problem solver in your circle of family and friends which could even propel you into another world of challenges. At this point, you are also flooded with responsibilities to maintain your success. The businesses that you have started are flourishing and keeping you on your toes. The main problem is that these issues could overwhelm you if you lose control, which requires you to make sure that you know how to prioritize and solve the relevant ones.
Reversed Meanings: duty-bound, no stamina, cleverness, off-loading, insurmountable problems, collapse, strength, breakdown, flogging a dead horse, dumping, shirking duties/responsibilities, energy, too much responsibility/ stress, learning to say no, working hard but getting nowhere, resigned to fate, not up to the challenge, cross too heavy to bear
When The Drudge card is reversed, it indicates that you are truly burdened by circumstances which are not necessary in your life. Look around and see what is bothering you that will not positively impact yourself even if you rectify it. Drop them all and be a free being that can think soberly and do things accurately. Anything that does not add value in your life is not worth your time, so let it go.