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Upright Meanings: harmony, development, nature, motherhood, fertility, accomplishment action, femininity, evolution, creativity, sensuality, nurturing, beauty, pregnancy
The Playmate shows us how deeply we are embedded to our femininity. Femininity could be associated with fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing among many other aspects. It therefore calls you to connect with beauty and bring happiness to your life. Understand yourself and get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attract life circumstances to bring happiness and joy. She is a signal that be kind to yourself, to take care of yourself.
Reversed Meanings: inaction, overbearing tendencies, lack of confidence, infertility, anxiety, insecurity, infidelity, disharmony, lack on concentration, lack of growth, vacillation
The Playmate reversed indicates that you have lost too much of your own willpower and strength because you have started placing too much effort and concern to other peoples affairs. While the Empress’s nature is of showering her loved ones with attention and care, this can sometimes go overboard. You might be neglecting your own needs, or even smothering the ones you love with your well-intentioned actions. In a role reversal, perhaps The Reversed Playmate is finding her way into your life; it could also mean that you are relying on others to take care of you and make decisions for you. You need to work towards removing this influence on your life and build confidence in your own actions. Always try as much as you can to ensure that you solve matters on your own.