Warning: Sometime The Rat comes as a warning though rarely as a prediction. It seeks rather to make us look at things we are ignoring or repressing and bring them into the open and deal with them.
Darkness: The Rat can represent depression or worry and often relates to a person close to us. Sometimes it can suggest dark thoughts such as jealousy or revenge. The card can be a sign of worrying unnecessarily.
Journey: The Rat can represent literal travel but more often a life path journey. This can be any major life change for the better – better career prospects, a relationship commitment, buying a house, finding your spiritual path, improving your diet.
Family: The Rat can be a card about family and friends. It can signify a person or a situation that needs attention, sometimes long overdue. Time to talk?
The Rat is a social animal but this card can suggest a person or situation where an outgoing personality is not always welcome! Life and soul of the party? Or not? An indicator of family gatherings.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: indulgence, engagement party, graduation, socialising, gatherings, parties, discovery, hospitality, celebrations, reunions, festivities, wedding, happiness, baby shower, festivals, fortune
The Rat card is the minor card of reunion or celebration. It can signify someone from your past coming back in to your life. It can also signify parties, festivals, weddings, engagement parties, baby showers and other similar celebrations. With this card appears in your reading you can look forward to a happy event in your life. It signifies group of people coming together with open hearts and minds to celebrate important events. It is a very positive card that indicates happy times, uplifting and positive energy and good feelings.
Reversed Meanings: lack of friends, overindulgence, miscarriage, cancelled celebrations, over indulgence, pain, gossip, termination, broken engagements, lack of social life, gossiping, hidden, cheating, bitchiness, cancelled weddings
The Rat card reversed can indicate celebrations being cancelled. This may take the form of a cancelled party, a cancelled wedding or an engagement being broken off to name but a few. The Rat reversed can signify that your social life may be non-existent at the moment or that you’ve grown apart from your friends. While the upright The Rat is all about people who are open and loving coming together in celebration, The reversed card can indicate backstabbing or bitchiness from those around you. It can indicate that the people who should be happy for you, or alternatively should be empathising with you if an important event has fallen through, are being nasty or gossiping about you behind your back. People you thought were your friends may try to start rumours or sabotage you with gossip when this card appears. Be careful who you trust. The Rat in a reversed position can also indicate a celebration being tainted in some way, you could find that a rowdy intoxicated guest ruins your party or someone gate-crashes or causes a scene. It can also simply be a sign of family and friends going their separate ways after a coming together for a celebration. Look to the supporting cards for more information.