Color: A card that shows us the beauty of life. Feeling fit and healthy. Loving relationships. Balance in everything. Sometimes a warning not to throw it all away! Occasionally a warning not to see things in black and white.
Air: The Parrot may suggest someone whose head is in the clouds or who is full of hot air. On a spiritual level it represents intuition and may be a sign of developing gifts or abilities.
Career: The Parrot can be a card about career and job prospects. It can signify a person or a situation where things will improve. Looking for work? This is a good omen!
Romance: The Parrot can be a card about romance and relationships. It is generally an optimistic card but is best used as guidance for existing arising issues.
The Parrot may indicate news of a job, a pay raise or promotion. It can also mean good news for stay at home moms. Single people may see the beginning of a whirlwind affair.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: abundance, positivity, celebrating, physical well-being, acclaim, joy, satisfaction, hopes, pleasure, optimism, wishes coming true, recognition, fulfilment, entertaining, security, cheerfulness, rewards, high self-esteem, achievements, fame, realising dreams, success, happiness, sex, sensuality, confidence, triumph, prosperity
The Parrot card is a positive card which indicates your wishes will be coming true or your dreams will become a reality. If you have experienced hardship, sorrow or pain recently, this card tells you that the bad times are behind you now and a time of happiness, joyfulness and fulfilment is coming. With this minor card appearing in your spread you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to as it represents triumph, success and achievement. Your efforts will not go unnoticed either as it also signifies recognition, acclaim and even fame. The Parrot also represents having high self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a card of celebrations and parties.
Reversed Meanings: illness, eating disorders, unrewarding, arrogance, self-hatred, disappointment, misery, lack of success/accomplishment, lack of fulfilment, failure, disadvantage, nightmares, unhappiness, pessimism, addictions, devastation, overindulgence, negativity, shattered dreams, underachieving, low self-esteem
The Parrot reversed is not a great omen as it can represent shattered dreams or wishes turning into nightmares. You may have gotten what you wanted but now find that it’s not how you hoped it would be. Alternately, you may have gotten what you wanted and subsequently lost it and are now feeling the devastation that can bring. The Parrot reversed can represent unhappiness, misery and lack of fulfilment. It can also indicate negativity or pessimism. You may feel let down or disappointed when this minor card appears reversed in your spread. You may also be struggling to achieve your goals, lacking in accomplishments or feel that you are not gaining the rewards or recognition you want. The Parrot reversed can also be an indicator that you are lacking self-confidence or have low self-esteem. This card in a reversed position can also indicate problems such as eating disorders or addictions being caused as a result of low self-esteem and unhappiness. On the other hand, it can signify arrogance or conceitedness and a lack of emotional maturity.