Stability: Often relating to relationships, The Deer guides us towards strengthening ALL relationships. Have you lost touch with a friend? It can also be a sign of a new job or an improvement in finances.
Fire: The Deer is a card about passion and heated situations. It can sometimes signify someone with a hot or explosive temper or a situation about to come to a head.
Confusion: The Deer can represent confusion or hiding from the truth, a situation where we can’t decide what to do or feel we are banging ours heads on a brick wall. The sooner it’s dealt with the better.
Discord: When we see The Deer we should consider that it may be a warning or refer to an argument. You could be feeling threatened or intimidated – just relax and call on your spirit animal to guide you.
The Deer can signify an older female or someone who has little empathy. It can also mean parental disagreements. It can also suggest bottled up emotions and things left unsaid. Better to get it sorted even if it’s painful.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: inability to see the truth, difficult decisions, balanced, truce, painful choices, sitting on the fence, trouble, stalemate, being torn between two relationships, stressful decisions, facing your fears, indecision, opposition, being caught in the middle, cross roads, blindness, divided loyalty, avoidance, denial
The Deer represents a stalemate, truce or being at a crossroads. It indicates that you are sitting on the fence or struggling to make/ avoiding a difficult, stressful or painful decision. It is the card of coming face to face with your fears. It can also signify being torn between two loyalties, relationships, situations, offers or people. It represents being caught in the middle of an argument or conflict and trying to mediate between opposing parties. The Deer also represents blocking emotions, being in denial, blindness and an inability or unwillingness to see the truth.
Reversed Meanings: emotional coldness, release, indecision, information overload, overly cautious, mental turmoil, lies being exposed, seeing the truth, postponements, delays, holding onto anxiety or resentment, unscrupulous, overwhelming fears/worry/ anxiety/ stress, emotional detachment, emotional turmoil
The Deer reversed represents indecision, delays or postponement. It indicates that fear, worry, anxiety or stress is overwhelming you and you may be experiencing emotional or mental turmoil as a result leading to an inability to make a decision. It can also represent holding onto resentment or anxiety and being overloaded with more information that you can handle. This minor card reversed can signify someone who is overly cautious, emotionally detached, cold or guarded. Alternatively, The Deer can signify being able to see the truth of a matter after a period of mental fogginess and finally being able to make a decision as a result. It can also represent lies being exposed.