The Suit of Diamonds covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Diamonds include manifestation, realization, proof and prosperity. Diamonds deal with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings -how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it. On a more esoteric level, Diamonds are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image. The negative aspects of the Suit of Diamonds include being possessive, greedy, overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing, finances, being overly focused on career
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Diamonds generally means very slow, meaning months or even years.
Fives represent change and the need for change. The energy of Five changes the order of things for either good or bad. Unlike most other cards in Cartomancy where the Upright aspect is deemed to be more positive, the Five changes this pattern by being more positive when Reversed. Five just has to be different, or difficult! When Upright, it can be rigid and narrow as it resists change or struggles with it. When Reversed it becomes all-embracing and accepting. However, because Reversed Cards can be extreme, the conflict of the Upright can become intense. Alas, due to Five’s overriding erratic nature, both the Upright and Reverse aspect can bring great extremes. The orientation of Five dictates the manner in which it deals with or approaches change. The change brought about by Five is often unexpected or chaotic.

Upright Meanings: boundaries, control, saving for big purchases or retirement, possessiveness, miserly, penny-pinching, holding on to people, possessive, holding grudges, hoarding, isolation, stinginess, financial security, greed, keeping to yourself, deep seated issues, past issues, ungenerous, financial stability, wealth, materialism
boundaries, control, saving for big purchases or retirement, possessiveness, miserly, penny-pinching, holding on to people, possessive, holding grudges, hoarding, isolation, stinginess, financial security, greed, keeping to yourself, deep seated issues, past issues, ungenerous, financial stability, wealth, materialism
Reversed Meanings: forgiveness, end of hardship, being welcomed, being accepted, revival, making progress, improvement in finances, better luck, positive change, health improvement, health treatment, recovery from losses, becoming financially secure, becoming employed, courage, paying off debts, employment, overcoming adversity
Unlike the upright version, The Five of Diamonds reversed interpretation can be a positive one. The snow is now on top, which represents brightness coming into your life. The Five of Diamonds symbolizes a passageway with a light at the end of the tunnel. The Reversed Five of Diamonds means change is coming. When drawing this card, it can mean that the worst is now over, but dont expect changes to happen overnight. It will take some time before you can recover and find strength once again. This means you will be able to regain stability in terms of property, health, relationships, business, or finances. Slow recovery from illness can be indicated by The Five of Diamonds reversed as well. You will be able to find a treatment that can lead to recovery. If you are caring for someone, then it can mean that help will be made available, whether it is financial or practical assistance.