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Upright Meanings: loneliness, bankruptcy, bad luck, hardship, divorce, poverty, destitution, despair, unemployment, struggle, poor health, alienation, illness, homelessness, financial ruin, financial loss, breakups, adversity, feeling the world is against you, recession, negative change in circumstances, temporary financial hardship, outcast, feeling left out in the cold, scandal
Whenever The Loner shows up in a reading, it suggests a time of hardship and insecurity. The meaning of this card can be deep loneliness, illness, poverty or loss. Your status might take a turn for the worse in the near future. There is a chance that you will lose something significant, whether it is financial wealth or an important item. Deterioration of your health might be already ongoing or be very sudden.
Reversed Meanings: forgiveness, end of hardship, being welcomed/accepted, revival, making progress, improvement in finances/luck, positive change, health improvement/ treatment, recovery from losses, becoming financially secure, becoming employed, courage, paying off debts, employment, overcoming adversity
Unlike the upright version, The Loner reversal meaning can be a positive one. The snow is now on top, which represents brightness coming into your life. The stained glass now symbolizes a passageway with the Pentacles serving as the light at the end of the tunnel. The Reversed Loner means change is coming. When drawing this card, it can mean that the worst is now over, but dont expect changes to happen overnight. It will take some time before you can recover and find strength once again. This means you will be able to regain stability in terms of property, health, relationships, business, or finances. Slow recovery from illness can be indicated by The Loner reversed as well. You will be able to find a treatment that can lead to recovery. If you are caring for someone, then it can mean that help will be made available, whether it is financial or practical assistance.