Chakra Quiz

Instant Free Chakra Readings and Quizzes – no email, nor registration – It is vital for you to pay attention to and understand your chakra system. A quick quiz will test you, and determine which of the chakra energy centers is strongest in you.

Occult Tarot

Instant Free Occult Tarot Reading – no email, nor registration – Ask the Tarot for a simple yes no answer – Full Answer from 3 cards. How can we possibly embrace our truest self if we never step into the dark? The Salem Tarot deck is the darkest of all the decks.

Can Cats See Spirits?

Have you ever wondered whether your cat is able to sense spirits (or ghosts if you prefer to call them that? Cats and other felines have extraordinary senses that are much sharper than ours. In addition, that mysterious 6th sense is something we can’t be sure of!

Can Dogs See Ghosts?

Have you ever wondered whether your dog is able to sense spirits? Dogs and other canines have extraordinary senses that are much sharper than ours. As much as we’d like to believe there is some truth to the idea that dogs can sense the spirit world, we just don’t know.

Numerology Calculator

Instant Numerology Calculators – no email, no registration. Find your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Karmic Number and Karmic Debt or try out name compatibility test. Numbers are everywhere

Soul Family (Soul Group)

What is a Soul Family? First of all I dislike the phrase Soul Family, preferring Soul Group which is far more descriptive as the term does not always apply to your family in this life. Free Soul Family Readings & Quizzes

Totem Meanings

What is a Totem? A totem is an incarnate spirit, sometimes considered sacred, or symbol that symbolizes a group of … read more

Contacting Indian Spirit Guides

You have one or more spirit guides that will hang around forever or for a large chunk of your life.  This includes animal spirits. They can be your great grandmother or maybe Aunt Tillie who is so distant a relation that you don’t know or can’t remember her.  They may be unknown and unrelated to you in this lifetime.

Contact My Spirit Guide

Allow plenty of time, as you may drift off into sleep during this exercise. If you do, the dreams you have will be relevant. Lie down in a comfortable, quiet place and relax. Stay in this moment.  Don’t try to force a connection.

Spirit Animal Quizzes

Dozens of spirit animal quizzes – Try our new spirit animals quiz or power animal quiz. The idea of spirit animals reaches back to ancient times, when we humans had a more intimate and mutual relationship with the animals we shared the earth with.

Spirit Guide Animal

Each one has one or more spirit animals that come whenever we need their guidance. Here are some pointers on how to find, connect, and develop a meaningful relationship with your power animal.

Gail Clarke

Known as Gail on Facebook, Gay is your host for your time here is Granadilla.  She owns both the 10 … read more

Maddie Mitch

We are hoping we will be fortunate enough to have the amazing Maddie Mitch join us to spearhead our workshops … read more

How To Contact Spirit Guides

There are many way to contact your spirit guide.  Channeling is one way but often experienced mediums and “psychics” use the  phrase “channeling” to imply their guides will speak through them to impart knowledge to those listening.

How To Contact Spirits

It can be a useful tool as long as you don’t take everything at face value or scare yourself to death because of the mischief makers. Then of course, there are people that push, consciously or subconsciously.

Chakra Balancing

Instant Free Chakra Reading – no email, nor registration – It is vital for you to pay attention to and understand your chakra system when you are developing spirit communication. Why is this important? It is an important component in the process.

Career Horoscopes

Free Tarotscopes Daily, no registration, no email – If by tarot you include other divination cards we have plenty to offer from our 12 beautiful decks, most unique.  If you want exclusively Tarot then: Full Range of Tarot Horoscopes (Tarotscopes)

Interpreting Career Horoscopes

Free Career Horoscopes, no email, no registration. First you have careers that are typical of your star sign. Your chosen lifestyle card (significator) will suggest more options.. It  will also give horoscope information for the coming days.

Interpreting Lifestyle Cards

Free Lifestyle Readings, no email, no registration. This is a 36 card deck where cards are drawn in pairs. It’s designed to be used more frequently than tarot cards or in conjunction with other decks. It is also a stepping stone for those wanting to interpret their own cards. It deals with the more day to day aspects of life rather than a longer term picture.

How to interpret a Yes/No/Maybe 3 Card Draw

In a full reading, the reader will interpret the cards for you. With a short answer you can simply take the answer or, if you want more information, you can interpret yourself. Using the example in the images, here’s how.

Atlantean Spirit Guides

The Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis – There were many Priests and Priestesses … throughout most of its life, the inhabitants of Atlantis were spiritual individuals who loved and respected each other but with the passage of time

Yes No Oracle

Instant Free Yes or No Oracle Reading – no email, nor registration – Ask our Oracles for a simple yes no answer – Full Answer from 3 cards – Choose your deck – Spirit Guides, Angels, Spirit Animals, Power Animals, Past Life

Ophiuchus Spirit Animal

As a power animal you can call on Ophiuchus to protect you. By asking Ophiuchus to stay around you or watch over you in your dreams you can be sure any negative energy from people in your life will not affect you. He can also bring warnings.