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78 Personality Archetypes – Which are you?
The Warrior? The Thinker? The Rebel? The Optimist?
Our Unique Ancestor Reading: Who do you want to hear from?
Parents, Grandparents, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Cousins, Children in Spirit, Adoption/Marriage, Unrelated Family, Paternal Grandfathers Family, Paternal Grandmothers Family, Maternal Grandfathers Family, Maternal Grandmothers Family
What’s the right Career for you?
With hundreds of options, how can you choose a career that’s right for you? If you don’t have any idea what you want to do, the choices or even the lack of options may seem insurmountable. Try our career test and you may vastly increase your chances of making a good decision.
What Animal Are You? 5 Signs a Spirit Animal is Close
- Seeing animals more often the coincidence
- Feeling that animals are nicer than people
- Finding it easy to visualize them
- Have seen an animal in your minds eye?
- Have vivid dreams about animals
*** NEW *** Spiritscopes Daily Horoscopes with the spirit archetype deck. Try the 13th Zodiac system with our new Ophiuchus Horoscope
Use the traditional 12 sign astrological system for you daily spiritscope reading with the cards linked to your star sign and your choice from the deck. Or go modern style with the 13 zodiac signs including Ophiuchus the Serpent which changes the dates for each star sign.
Decide for yourself which is more accurate for you. Almost always inaccurately called the 13th Zodiac sign, Ophiuchus comes between Scorpio and Sagittarius, thus all the dates differ. The first and last dates of your new star sign typically overlap so you may wish to try both to determine which is most accurate for your nature but expect a blend of the two if you are on the cusp.

Our Ancestors Are Closer Than You Think
You may not realize it, but you receive ancestral messages all the time. To communicate with your ancestors, you’ll need to be receptive and beginning to ask questions. Remember that the group of ancestors you work with today is going to change over the course of time.
To understand how we communicate with our ancestors in spirit, we must first take on board the concept of collective consciousness and the fact that time and age has no meaning in the spirit world as we can understand it.
Horoscopes & Tarot Scopes
- Aries Love Horoscope
- Taurus Love Horoscope
- Gemini Love Horoscope
- Cancer Love Horoscope
- Leo Love Horoscope
- Virgo Love Horoscope
- Libra Love Horoscope
- Scorpio Love Horoscope
- Sagittarius Love Horoscope
- Capricorn Love Horoscope
- Aquarius Love Horoscope
- Pisces Love Horoscope
Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation
Spirit Quizzes
- Famous Past Life Quiz
- How Many Spirit Guides Do I Have Quiz
- Karmic Debt Quiz
- Past Life Karma Quiz
- Past Life Quiz
- Spirit Guidance (Quiz)
- What is my Power Animal? (Quiz)
- What’s my Spirit Animal? (Quiz)
- Which Star Signs are Compatible?
- Who is my Spirit Guide (Quiz)
- Zodiac Sign Quiz
Spirit Animals

In the shaman’s worldview, animals have a magical interrelation with the cosmos and therefore with us also. In shamanism, the spirit of the animal has qualities and traits that can be attributed to human being.
When these animal spirit energies are passed to humans, it is said that it is the “power animal” of the person in question has been able to connect with its energy. These power animals can be the protective spirits destined to help us in our daily activities, as well as in the search for the spiritual path of our inner being. We could say that the power animal actually reflects the qualities of our inner being, as well as indicates the qualities or values that we must acquire for our progressive spiritual evolution, which are hidden in the depths of our being.
Chakra Cards
What is an Archetype?

So many meanings of the word ARCHETYPE have been put forward, beginning with the father of the subconscious JUNG. Jung suggests the spirit archetypes appears in our dreams as wise old men who give advice and counsel. They appear in dreams in the guise of magician, doctor, priest, teacher, professor, grandfather or other persona who we perceive as able to give us guidance and answers to our deepest problems.
Sometimes they can appear as the spirit of a loved one who has passed on or even a talking animal. These spirit-figures are not always morally virtuous and often represent the situation we find ourselves in. Jung suggested they are often duplicitous and on occasion can represent outright malice.
Suggested Archetypes are many and diverse but commonly accepted are these 12: Sage, Innocent, Explorer, Ruler, Creator, Caregiver, Magician, Hero, Outlaw, Lover, Jester, Rebel.
Jungs Original 12 Archetypes
- The Anima
- The Animus
- The Child
- The Father
- The Hero
- The Maiden
- The Mother
- The Persona
- The Shadow
- The Trickster
- The Sage
- The Self
Of course that is oversimplified it’s important not to be too literal. Our new deck is currently at 78 cards and we have plans to extend shortly with another 22 when time allows.