What is Cartomancy?

Cartomancy was originally a very simple method of using ordinary playing cards to predict the future, in other words good old-fashoned fortune telling. Nowadays it is more commonly used as similar to tarot in that it describes and advises on issues in our lives, past, present and future.
How Many Cards in the Deck?
The standard 52-card deck – the same ones used to play popular card games like bridge, poker, rummy or cheat – is almost always used. Our unique extended Cartomancy Deck has 78 cards.
Our Cartomancy Deck
In addition to the usual 52 cards, we have 4 more cards for each of the court cards and aces, adding 20 cards to the deck. Then there are 2 special cards indicating 2 people or the opposing or joining forces with a situation.
The Extra Court Cards
Using Aces as the example:
- The Ace is a combination of the energies of all four suits. It signifies balance (or lack of when reversed). It is a stronger card than a suited Ace and needs to be taken seriously. Relating to a person or situation, it often means multiple choices.
- The Red Ace is a combination of the energies of hearts and diamonds, where emotions and practicality fight for balance. Stronger than either of the red Aces, more emotional than the black Aces, don’t wait too long when you see it.
- The Black Ace is a combination of the energies of spades and clubs, where ideas and inspiration demand action. Stronger than either of the black Aces, more practical than the red Aces, don’t mess around when you see it.
- The Red Black Ace is a combination of the energies of red suit influenced by a black suit. It signifies resolving situations (or not when reversed). When relating to a person it often signifies a clash of personalities.
The Special Court Cards
- The Queen and Jack signifies a female energy in control. Often a situation involving 2 people, not always romantic. It’s a strong card and if relating to a situation, suggests one person over-riding another or taking control.
- The King and Queen signifies a male energy in control. Often a situation involving 2 people, not always romantic. It’s a strong card and if relating to a situation, suggests compromise or taking the next step.