A Very Different Daily Horoscope!
The spirit archetype card associated with Cancer is The Matriarch. As this card appears today the issue of is brought to your attention.

The Matriarch, as your star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: realistic, principled, independent, divorced, open-minded, brave, clever, sophisticated, strong, skillful, fair, repressed pain or sadness, intelligent, mother, problem solver, rush, discerning, self-reliant, funny, candid, constructive criticism, communicative, skeptical, witty, objective, sharp wit, honest, truthful, protective, chatty, quirky
In Reverse:, bitter, absent mother, repressed trauma, vindictive, sly, spiteful, poor communication, scatter-brain, obsessive, cruel, rude, dependent, not learning from past, malicious gossip, unforgiving, pessimistic, keen, mental fogginess, cheater, deceitful, nasty, dysfunctional, manipulative, harsh, lack of empathy, overly critical
You can click The Matriarch for more detail about how this card influences Cancer Spiritscopes but first let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is.
This Spiritscope is using cards from the Spirit Archetype Card Deck. A Spiritscope is a little like a horoscope with your zodiac sign with the emphasis on spirit archetype cards. Get your Spiritscope for your Moon and Rising Signs plus your Sun sign for a full guide of the energy attached to your horoscope.
About Cancer: Cancer is associated with the constellation Cancer and starts from June 22nd and ends on July 22nd.A crab is the symbol of this zodiac. Cancer is represented by the element Water. Cancer is a sign that is full of contradictions. It is full of complexity. Usually, people born under this sign are unpredictable and temperamental. While they do not depend on others to get their work done, they need to be surrounded by people to maintain their emotional stability and confidence levels.
This star sign card is part of the Cancer Spiritscope Reading with the Spirit Guide Card Deck.