Dreaming about: Octopus
Meaning in Dreams: Octopus. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories:
- Processing (no hidden meaning)
- Symbolic (related to daily life)
- Predictive (possible future issues)
- Being Chased by an Octopus
- An Octopus on your body
- Dead Octopus
- Giant Octopus
- Small Octopus
To dream about octopus (or should that be Octopi?) means chaos and discord either in your life right now or soon to come. Try and avoid careless actions, and think twice about any destructive tendencies. Difficult choices are ahead and in the sense of many arms so there will be many options.
Being Chased by an Octopus Dream Meaning: . If the octopus is chasing you it signals you are long overdue to make those difficult decisions. If it is changing colors in you dream this means you should wait as more options will present themselves soon and perhaps give a better outcome. If there are less than 8 limbs on your dream octopus this is bad new it means you have a missed opportunity. However all is not lost. Like the octopus tentacles can regrow so look at what has happened and see if there is a way to retrieve the situation, although you must think hard about how you felt in your dream. Very rarely it will be the right thing to simply wait until there are no options left but one.
An Octopus on your body in a Dream: An octopus attached to your body indicates symbolically that you feel unable to breathe due to life situations. This dream is often directly related to your relationships, usually romantic commitments. Feeling stifled in a relationship is often something we are reluctant to deal with.
If you dream of a Dead Octopus: Dreaming of seeing an octopus die is fairly rare. It may signify that you feel unable to overcome existing obstacles. However, if you dream of killing an octopus, this is a sign that you feel you can solve the problem even though you also feel overwhelmed.
Dreaming of a Giant Octopus: The dream meaning of a giant octopus indicates that you are someone with a complex personality. You also can do multiple tasks at some time. It also reveals that you are a person who could get quite depressed due to taking on too many heavy responsibilities.
Dream about a Small Octopus: A small octopus is the way the subconscious shows that you are in the middle of a difficult situation. If the octopus in your dream is quite tiny, it can indicate feeling helpless and not understanding what’s happening. A small octopus can also suggest you are trying to avoid a situations.

An Octopus appearing in a card reading has more meanings:
If the octopus comes as an upright card in a spirit animal archetype reading then it can mean any of these:
progress, healing, calmer waters, sorrow, travel overseas, lethargy, relief, moving forward, spirit guides, moving on, overcoming hardship, feeling deflated, hamony, escaping, calm after a storm, journey, things calming down, journeys, running away, stability, going on holiday, travelling, holding onto negativity