The spirit of the eagle is a totem that occurs almost everywhere on the planet. The eagle is an important spiritual animal in many cultures, from East to West. Eagles always have a noble and very important meaning in any culture
For lovers of freedom anywhere in the world, the ability of the eagle to fly above the mountains, and to glide silently in the valleys makes it an unmatched symbol of free spirit.
The spirit of the eagle is the spirit of bravery . The consciousness of the eagle is the acquired capacity to have a global vision of multiple universes … to travel in any reality, exploring the planes of the various dimensions of the dream, to identify oneself in those possibilities of “being”.
Cooke believed that White Eagle was the legendary Hiawatha. White Eagle never confirmed it and only said that his most recent reincarnation had been that of chief of the Mohawk Indians of the Six Nations League of the Iroquois. Cooke was impressed by the resemblance between Hiawata’s drawings and her visions of White Eagle. In his work, Cooke emphasized the discovery of deep and spiritual truths; the diffusion of the light of love and living according to it, and the powers of healing. He died on September 3, 1979, in Liss (Hampshire) at the age of eighty-seven