See also Numerology Report
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Numerology has a long history in places as far removed as Egypt, Israel, India and Greece just to name a few. One philosopher named St. Augustine told us that numbers were a universal language from God. He and Pythagoras had much in common. Both sought to connect numbers to not only the human mind but the interrelationship of all things.
In general, numerology interprets numbers as a manifestation of and explanation for universal order. It lets you find a relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. In other words, it can explain what happens in the material world through the application of cosmic laws of the universe.
Today, numerology is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts. Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word numerology is not recorded in English before 1907. Despite all this talk of numbers and Pythagoras, numerology is fairly simple. In fact, all of the math required can be done on a calculator or even using your fingers. Modern numerology uses natural, or fadic, addition to calculate numbers.