A Horoscope with a Difference!
13 Sign Zodiac Spiritscope
The spirit archetype card associated with Sagittarius is The Traveler. As this card appears today the issue of is brought to your attention.
SAGITTARIUS : December 17 – January 20
Sagittarians are some of the most optimistic people you’ll ever meet. Their sole policy in life is to treat others the way in which they themselves want to be treated. They are always running late for appointments and are never organized. This is because their minds are racing so far ahead that they forget about the present situation. You can never expect them to be early to an appointment. They have a broad-minded approach to life. Knowledge is the key to their lives.
The Traveler, as your star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: adventurous, warm, finishing what you start, hot tempered, self-assured, being hasty, rebellious, confident, charming, generous, moving country, free spirit, hero, success, revolutionary, shameless flirt, travel, sexy, energetic, swept off your feet, journey, exciting, brave, open minded, fearless, impetuous
In Reverse:, arrogant, hyperactive, lack self-discipline, lack of control, jealousy, daredevil, violent, show-off, not finishing what you start, domineering, overly competitive, fearful, abusive, reckless, narrow-mindedness, lack of enthusiasm, lack of ambition, lack of purpose, passive, jealous, extremely aggressive, hasty, loud, chip on shoulder, volatile, suspicion, overly confident
You can click The Traveler for more detail about how this card influences Sagittarius Spiritscopes but first let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is.

This Spiritscope is using cards from the Spirit Archetype Card Deck.
A daily horoscope usually focuses on the position of the Moon to determine which are the changes and forecasts for each of the twelve zodiac signs, because the Moon has a smaller cycle and rotates around the zodiac in just 28 days.
About Sagittarius: Sagittarius are people who are outgoing and friendly. The love freedom and they abhor doing routine works. Their love for making friends also puts them at risk because they often have blind faith in people. Their optimism is infectious but this can also lead them to trouble from time to time. Since Sagittarians are under the fire sign, they also have quick tempers but, fortunately, they quickly forget the source of their anger. Sagittarians have the need for constant activity and their outgoing personality makes them irresponsible. They easily forget appointments and they find it difficult to complete tasks that they don’t like.
This star sign card is part of the Sagittarius Spiritscope Reading with the Spirit Guide Card Deck.