Occult Tarot

Instant Free Occult Tarot Reading – no email, nor registration – Ask the Tarot for a simple yes no answer – Full Answer from 3 cards. How can we possibly embrace our truest self if we never step into the dark? The Salem Tarot deck is the darkest of all the decks.

Free Cartomancy Reading

Free Cartomancy Reading. No email, no registration, instant result. Our free cartomancy reading uses all 52 cards plus26 additional cards, 78 in all. This is one of our more popular divination tools. Cartomancy is similar to tarot in that it uses cards (standard playing cards) to see the lessons and situations surrounding your questions, helping you find your pathway.

Am I Clairvoyant?

Instant Yes No Reading – Pick a Card – no email, no registration. We all have clairvoyant abilities to some extent. Whilst very few ‘gifted’ people don’t have to work at it, even the most well known clairvoyants will have taken a lot of time to develop their clairvoyant abilities. 

Yes or No Pick a Tarot Card

Instant Yes No Tarot Reading – Pick a Tarot Card – no email, no registration. This is a yes-no-maybe pick a tarot card reading. One card readings should never determine your life or the choices you make. They should only be seen as advice, encouragement or guidance. Always trust your instincts.

Yes or No Pick a Card

Instant Yes No Reading – Pick a Card – no email, no registration. This is a yes-no-maybe pick a card reading. One card readings should never determine your life or the choices you make. They should only be seen as advice, encouragement or guidance. Always trust your instincts.

Name Compatibility Test

Instant – no email, no registration. Do you share a soul connection with that special someone? Is he or she your special person? This is a simple Love Compatibility Calculator which displays love match percentage based on full names.

Spirit Guide Name

All guides will have slightly different energies, personalities, opinions, and vibrations. You will be able to pick up and learn these in time, but the archetypal name of your spirit guide(s) is something you can pick up right now.

Free Numerology Reading

Instant Free Numerology Reading – no email, no registration. Use the number calculators above for an in depth, more long term look at your numerology, or take this easy one card reading for daily guidance.

Karma Lessons

Karma Lesson Calculator – no email, no registration. Enter your full name you were born with to find your Karma Lesson Numbers. The average number of Karmic Lessons (not to be confused with Karmic Debts) is two, but four or even five isn’t that uncommon, nor is it unusual to have no Karmic Lessons at all.

Life Path Number

Life Path Number Calculator – no email, no registration. Life Path numbers are an integral aspect of numerology as are your Destiny and Karma numbers (karmic debt). While each Life Path number carries a unique set of both positive and negative traits, how they manifest is up to you.

Karmic Number

Instant Free Karma Number Calculator – no email, no registration. Karma numbers are an integral aspect of numerology. It is where the actions of an individual’s previous lives work to impact the nature and quality of their current life. When someone’s balance is lopsided, it indicates that the Universe shall tell them something.

Destiny Number

Instant Destiny Number Calculator and Meanings – no email, no registration. Enter your full name you were born with to find your Destiny Number. This will be in the range 1 to 9 with special ‘Master Numbers’ 11, 22 and 33. All numbers are believed to have unique vibrations.

Birthday Numerology

Instant Free Birthday Numerology – no email, no registration. Enter your date of birth to find your Life Path Number. This will be in the range 1 to 9 with special ‘Master Numbers’ 11, 22 and 33. Numerology is the study of numbers and their mystical meanings, and in this ancient practice, all numbers are believed to have unique vibrations.