- Libra Tarot Reading
- Libra Career Horoscope
- Libra Love Compatibility
- Libra Spirit Animal
- Cancer Tarot Reading
- Cancer Career Horoscope
- Cancer Love Compatibility
- Cancer Spirit Animal
Libra and Cancer together! The stars are not infallible when it comes to compatibility. There are exceptions to every rule. Not sure who you should match with? Start with our quiz Love Match Quiz
A match between Libra and Cancer is Neutral
Libra will be drawn to cancer’s changing moods, and this might hold them for a while. But when troubles start brewing, which eventually they will, then Libra might search for someone else to love. Their romantic needs and connection is different, after all. Cancer will aim for emotional transcendence, while Libra will seek intellectual convergence. The balance, however, values sex. So if the crab wishes for his/her partner to stay, a new kind of glamour and excitement needs to be introduced in the bedroom.

Libra in Love
A spirit guide closely associated with Libra is The Provider.
A perfect love match for Libra is Gemini. Also very compatible is Leo.
A very bad love match for Libra is Virgo. Also not very compatible is Taurus.
Librans are just bubbling with enthusiasm with every new situation. They are very sociable people. They have an easy-going personality and an eager-to-please attitude that makes them an instant hit with people. They are also very elegant and charming. They are the glue that keeps people together because they are the ones who maintain harmony in a group. They get along with everyone. They are adept at maintaining relationships be it business or romantic or friendship or family.
Ideal Professions for Libra in Love: Travel agent, supervisor, dancer, host, diplomat, negotiator, sales-person
The Provider, with this star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: balance, harmonious relationships, temperance, tranquility, moderation, perspective, good influence, patience, confidence, peace, inner calm
In Reverse:, discord, imbalance, impatience, clashing, recklessness, excess, lack of perspective, self-indulgence, disunion, conflict, antagonism, frustration

Cancer in Love
A spirit guide closely associated with Cancer is The Matriarch.
A perfect love match for Cancer is Scorpio. Also very compatible is Leo.
A very bad love match for Cancer is Aries. Also not very compatible is Cancer.
Cancers can function as independent human beings if they can ‘evolve’ enough to deal with their emotional issues. They can be irritable and cranky if they aren’t feeling appreciated. The contradictory nature of this sign makes them almost bipolar-like due to their excessive mood swings. They tend to get offended easily and will sulk for days till they feel better about themselves. People born under Cancer are extremely loyal to those who support and appreciate them.
Ideal Professions for Cancer in Love: Soldier, child care, human resources, gardener, CEO, teacher, social worker, lawyer
The Matriarch, with this star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: realistic, principled, independent, divorced, open-minded, brave, clever, sophisticated, strong, skillful, fair, repressed pain or sadness, intelligent, mother, problem solver, rush, discerning, self-reliant, funny, candid, constructive criticism, communicative, skeptical, witty, objective, sharp wit, honest, truthful, protective, chatty, quirky
In Reverse:, bitter, absent mother, repressed trauma, vindictive, sly, spiteful, poor communication, scatter-brain, obsessive, cruel, rude, dependent, not learning from past, malicious gossip, unforgiving, pessimistic, keen, mental fogginess, cheater, deceitful, nasty, dysfunctional, manipulative, harsh, lack of empathy, overly critical