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Numbers rule the universe. In every corner of the cosmos we can see the power of numbers. Within numerology, there exist five core numbers that act as the building blocks of who you are and what you will become. By using the numbers hidden in your subconscious, rather than date of birth etc. ,numerology can reveal truths about your personality and your destiny. By clearing your mind and letting your vibration take you to another level, you can delve into the depths of the collective consciousness that we are all part of.
This free numerology quiz simply asks you to choose a sequence of numbers, followed by your reaction to the words those numbers call forward. It takes 5 or so minutes and you will then get instant answers. You can repeat it as many time as you want in search of answers to different parts of your life and your future happiness.
There are no right and wrong answers and it’s important you don’t overthink it, in fact you should barely think at all. In the second part of the reading you will be asked to ‘grade‘ your response to certain words or phrases, 0 to 5. Zero is something that means nothing to you, 5 it absolutely strikes a cord. Why something calls to your conscious (or subconscious) is irrelevant. You will answer between 30 and 50 responses to get your reading and it should take 3 to 4 minutes. If it takes much longer then you are overthinking.