Angels as Spirit Guides?
We all have angels and spirit guides we can contact. Even when you feel that you are completely alone, there are divine companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation, they chose to accompany you throughout your life, from the moment of your first breath to the last.
Spirit Guides are highly evolved beings, who have completed the cycle of birth and death on the physical plane, and now serve as Masters and Guides to raise vibrations. They only vibrate on another level and reside on another plane of existence.
How Angels and Spirit Guides Work
They work to guide you through your dreams and intuition as well as through psychic/clairvoyant connections. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They can also make themselves known through signs and symbols.
The big question is whether you can have an angel as you spirit guide. I personally don’t believe you can but I am always happy to be proved wrong and wouldn’t state it as fact. We don’t have much on this site for angels but here are a couple of things you might like.
- Angel Family Reading
- Angel Finance Reading
- Angel Health Reading
- Angel Love Reading
- Angel Spiritual Reading
- Angel Work Reading
- One Card Angel Reading
Angel Love Reading, past, present and future
Here is another point of view. Not my words, it was sent to me by someone as an article but they haven’t yet sent me details of their blog.
The Spiritual Angels

They are available at all times and the Divine gave them abilities to help creatures like us. Sharing your problems with angelic spirits is the best way to find solutions because they know exactly what reaction to take. Three types of angels always accompany you, no matter where you are or where you are.
They each have their own guardian angel who protects them, even people who don’t believe in them. You may think that you don’t deserve to have a guardian angel but the Divine is not mistaken. If you are in trouble or there is someone close to you who needs special help, don’t hesitate for a second that your Guardian Angel will come to assist you.
But the task of a guardian angel does not stop here. Angels are our guides, those who mark the path we must follow. Their message is of peace and tranquility and they will give us the necessary strength to get ahead and improve every day as people.
Don’t be afraid to ask him for help, your Guardian Angel has the mission of making you happy. Contact him!