Meaning in Dreams: Raven. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Ravens are believed to have magical powers and ability to communicate between realms of the living and the spirit world.
Tag: dreaming
Dream about Raven
Meaning of Dream: Raven. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming about a raven is commonly misinterpreted as foretelling the death of a person in the dreamers social environment.
Dream about Cockroaches
Meaning in Dreams: Cockroaches. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Roaches
Dream about Mice
Meaning of Dream: Mice. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Mice
Dream about Rats and Mice
Dreams about: Rats and Mice. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Rats and Mice
Dream about Roaches
Dreaming of: Roaches. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Roaches
Dream about Wasps
Dream Meanings: Wasps. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Wasps
Dream about Bees
Dream Interpretation: Bees. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Bees
Dream about Big House
Dream Meanings: Big House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Puppies
Meaning of Dream: Puppies. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Puppies
Dream about Building House
Dream Interpretation: Building House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Rabbits
Dreams about: Rabbits. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Rabbits
Dream about Buying House
Meaning in Dreams: Buying House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Rat Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Rat. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Rat
Dream about Cleaning House
Meaning of Dream: Cleaning House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Scorpion
Dream Meanings: Scorpion. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Scorpion
Dream about Seals
Dream Interpretation: Seals. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Seals
Dream about House Being Broken Into
Dreams about: House Being Broken Into. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Sharks
Meaning in Dreams: Sharks. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Sharks
Dream about House Flooding
Dreaming of: House Flooding. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Squirrels
Meaning of Dream: Squirrels. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Squirrels
Dream about Puma
Meaning in Dreams: Puma. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Puma
Dream about Tarantula
Dreams about: Tarantula. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Tarantula
Dream about Snakes in the House
Dream Meanings: Snakes in the House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Turtles
Dreaming of: Turtles. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Turtles
Dream about Ants
Dream Interpretation: Ants. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Killing Ants
Dream about Peacock
Dream Meanings: Peacock. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Peacock
Dream about Pigs
Dream Interpretation: Pigs. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Pigs
Dream about Black Widow
Dreams about: Black Widow. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Black Widow
Butterfly Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Butterfly. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Butterfly
Dream about Crow
Dream Meanings: Crow. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Crow
Dream about Deer
Dream Interpretation: Deer. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Deer
Dream about Eagle
Meaning in Dreams: Eagle. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Eagle
Elephants Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Elephants. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Elephants
Dream about Fish
Dreams about: Fish. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Fish
Dream about Fox
Dreaming of: Fox. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Fox
Dream about Goat
Dream Meanings: Goat. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Goat
Dream about Gorillas
Dream Interpretation: Gorillas. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Gorillas
Demons Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Demons. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: I am probably going to step on a few toes here. We have quite a lot of people here who practice thei
Teeth Falling Out Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Teeth Falling Out. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreams about teeth falling out are often associated with loss and important life changes. This dream
Dream about Lizards
Meaning in Dreams: Lizards. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Lizards
Dream about Water
Dream Interpretation: Water. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Water is a very powerful indicator in our dreams but dreams about water can mean many different thin
Dream about Monkeys
Meaning of Dream: Monkeys. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Monkeys
Dream about Mouse
Dreams about: Mouse. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Mouse
Dream about Flying
Dreaming of: Flying. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: If you are flying in a dream, this could indicate your desire for freedom. If you are observing from
Dream about Owl
Dreaming of: Owl. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Owl
Dream about Bears
Meaning in Dreams: Bears. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Bears
Dream about Black Panther
Meaning of Dream: Black Panther. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Black Panther
Dream about Spiders
Dreams about: Spiders. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Remember that we’re all connected when you’re dreaming of spiders wondering what it means to dream o
Dream about Snakes
Meaning in Dreams: Snakes. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreams about Snakes usually means hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may
Dream about Rats
Dream Meanings: Rats. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: To dream of rats symbolizes that you have an inner fear of being stabbed in the back or are concerne
Wolf Dream Meaning
Dreaming of: Wolf. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming of a wolf symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to
Dream about Raccoons
Dreaming of: Raccoons. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Raccoons in a dream usually reflect your state of mind and on the changes in your life that need to
Dream about Haunted House
Meaning in Dreams: Haunted House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming of a haunted house often signifies fear. Fear is one of the most primary emotions humans fe
Dream about Parrots
Dreams about: Parrots. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: It’s far more likely that a parrot will symbolize something happening in your life, more so than som
Dream about House on Fire
Meaning of Dream: House on Fire. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about an Ex
Dream Interpretation: an Ex. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Even when a breakup is a good thing, we have to grieve the loss of the relationship and the person l
Spider Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Spider. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a White Spider is a sign of faithfulness, friendship and forgiveness. You are ready to
Ostrich Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Ostrich. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: An Ostrich in a dream has broadly one meaning and that is to do with running away from a situation o
Dream about Cheating
Meaning in Dreams: Cheating. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The cheating on a partner dream is actually quite common. A recent study found that 21% had dreams w
Dream about Octopus
Meaning in Dreams: Octopus. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: To dream about octopus (or should that be Octopi?) means chaos and discord either in your life right
Dream about a House
Dreaming of: a House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: [catlist name=dream,dream-meaning tags=house]
Dream about Death
Meaning of Dream: Death. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Believe or not, dreams about death or dying vary rarely have anything to do with actual death. Depen
Dream about an Old House
Dream Interpretation: an Old House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dream about Animals
Dream Meanings: Animals. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Animals in dreams can be extremely helpful in gaining insight into ourselves and giving us glimpses
Snake Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Snake. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The meaning of a colorful snake dreams depends much on what the snake is doing, for example is it ch
Dream about Wolves
Dream Meanings: Wolves. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Wolves are a great symbol of instinct and its power. Wolves in dreams can represent aggression to a
Dream about Animals in your House
Dreams about: Animals in your House. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A house in a dream may symbolize security. It provides physical protection from the elements and als
Dog Dream Meaning
Meaning in Dreams: Dog. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean wild dogs dream meaning? The canid family is a lineage that includes
Lynx Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Lynx. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The lynx is a medium-sized wild cat with eyes that glow in the dark. Dreaming of a lynx may symboliz
Dream about Dolphins
Dreams about: Dolphins. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dolphin appearing in a dream can indicate that you have just made a strong, powerful connection wi
Dream about Losing Teeth
Dreaming of: Losing Teeth. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Loosing teeth is something we all fear. Dreaming about this can signify worrying about old age or fe
Crocodiles Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Crocodiles. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: To dream about a resting crocodile in the water may be a signal for you to take on a new perspective
Dream about Bats
Meaning of Dream: Bats. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a bat symbolizes the annoyances in your life. Bats also represents your need to let go
Badger Dream Meaning
Meaning in Dreams: Badger. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a badger is indicative of a desire for independence. It may be time to draw away from
Dream about Alligators
Dream Meanings: Alligators. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Not all dreams about alligator are scary or negative. If the alligator in your dream strikes suddenl
Cats Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Cats. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean wild cats dream meaning? Cats have retractile claws, slender muscular
Dream about Crocodile
Dream Meanings: Crocodile. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A crocodile in your dreams symbolizes fear. You might have gone through a difficult time that trauma
Dream about Horses
Meaning in Dreams: Horses. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Seeing horses in your dreams represents freedom and purity. They represent an aspect of yourself or
Dream about Cats
Dreaming of: Cats. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean dreams about wild cats ? Cats have retractile claws, slender muscular
Moose Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Moose. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreaming of a moose can suggest you want left alone or not want to have something about you noticed
Dream about Dogs
Meaning of Dream: Dogs. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Did you mean dreaming about wild dogs? The canid family is a lineage that includes
Dream about Hummingbirds
Meaning of Dream: Hummingbirds. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Hummingbirds resonate at a very high frequency, making them sensitive to spiritual energies that flo
Horse Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Horse. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: The Horse represents energy, power, carrying messages and communicating with other realms. Dreaming
Armadillo Dream Meaning
Dream Interpretation: Armadillo. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Armadillos are typically considered armored so they can also represent the need to protect oneself f
Jaguar Dream Meaning
Dreams about: Jaguar. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Traditionally, the Jaguar in our dreams represents power, ferocity and wisdom as well as protection
Dream about Dragon
Dreaming of: Dragon. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: If you see a dragon in your dreams, it means you are strong enough to face your fears and difficulti
Elk Dream Meaning
Dream Meanings: Elk. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Elk are powerful, adaptable animals that have played a significant role in cultural mythologies. Elk
Dream Meanings
Full List of Dream Interpretations Sometimes the meaning of our dreams can be nothing more than what we have on … read more
Lucid Dreams Meaning
Full List of Dream Interpretations During lucid dreams, the sleeper is aware a dream is taking place but will not … read more
Dream Interpretation
The interpretation of dreams is not as simple as looking them up in a dictionary for standard answers. In the interpretation of a dream, we first need to be honest with ourselves
Bad Dreams Meaning
Full List of Dream Interpretations Bad dreams and nightmares are rarely predictions of what is to come They are usually … read more