In spirit, we are neither male nor female. We may lean towards masculine or feminine energies as perceived in this lifetime but essentially a queen may be male, a king may be female etc.. In Cartomancy we also have Jokers and Aces which, along with the court cards, represent people. You may choose which cards you want to use in the reading if you find this concept difficult.
Of course, we most often think of a soulmate in a romantic sense but this isn’t always so. Often our ‘best friends’ are our soul mates. You can even find a soul mate in someone you feel you don’t like much but are somehow drawn to – it can be that there are simply things to sort out from past lives.

Have You Met Your Soulmate Yet?
Have you ever met someone and immediately knew they were meant to be in your life? Maybe feels like you have known them forever, even though you’ve only just just met, or for some reason you want them in your life. You might have already met your soulmate (or twin flame).