Flight: Any animal with wings can suggest flight. This can be a need to run from (or panic about) a situation (or person) but, somewhat differently, a chance to run TO something rather than away.
Message: The Woodpecker card is all about messages, symbolic or literal such as phone calls, texts and emails. It’s a card of minor warnings and guidance regarding people and situations in our life.
Career: The Woodpecker can be a card about career and job prospects. It can signify a person or a situation where things will improve. Looking for work? This is a good omen!
Darkness: The Woodpecker can represent depression or worry and often relates to a person close to us. Sometimes it can suggest dark thoughts such as jealousy or revenge. The card can be a sign of worrying unnecessarily.
The Woodpecker can sometimes indicate choosing the wrong career or lifestyle, or being underappreciated no matter how hard you try. It’s time to re-evaluate and if it’s still what you want then speak your mind and push for change.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: serenity, faith, creativity, inspiration, pleasure, optimism, calm, balance, spiritual love, renewal, hope, contentment, insight, healing, spirituality
The Woodpecker indicates hope for the future, inspiration and contentment. With this major card in your spread you will find yourself feeling very positive, motivated and free. You will be feeling very serene and in tune with the universe as The Woodpecker is a card of spiritual connection. The Woodpecker is a very positive omen. It is the period of calm and stability that follows the storm that was The Tower. The Woodpecker indicates that you have come through your tough times with a renewed sense of yourself and the world around you, you are full of calm, well-balanced energy and you are open to healing the wounds of the past. Whatever mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues you were experiencing are now behind you and you are ready to embrace what your future holds. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and trust the feeling you have that everything is going to be OK. You will be feeling confident in yourself and people will like you for who you are with this card in your reading. The Woodpecker can also indicate creativity and artistic flair, so now would be a great time to take up an artistic hobby.
Reversed Meanings: lack of faith, broken dreams, focusing on the negative, disappointment, boredom, bad luck, hopelessness, imbalance, lack of creativity, despair, lack of inspiration
The Woodpecker in a reversed position can indicate that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps the difficult situations you have been through in the past have drained you of your lust for life and your faith in the universe’s plan for you. The Woodpecker reversed does not indicate that things are hopeless, only that you feel they are. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your attitude to life. You may want to consider seeking some professional counselling to help you heal the wounds of the past and leave them where they belong. The Woodpecker can signify that you have lost your confidence, your belief in yourself and your trust in your own abilities. This major card can also be an indication of feeling anxious and overwhelmed. A change of attitude is needed to resolve this not necessarily a change of circumstances. Don’t allow yourself to continue to play the victim if you have long since left the situation in which you were victimized. The Woodpecker is telling you that it’s time to heal the past, draw a line under it and move forward. Seek support to do this if you need to. You can do anything you set your mind to, you just have to believe in yourself and focus on the positive. The Woodpeckert small and try to find one or two things to be grateful for in each day. A creative outlet might also be helpful to you if you are artistically inclined. Rediscover your creative side, it will help you heal.