Fertility: Drawing The Dragonfly can be a sign of pregnancy, present or future. It can also represent a very young child or a mother-to-be in your life. More symbolically it can mean seeds of an idea or project that need your attention.
Air: The Dragonfly may suggest someone whose head is in the clouds or who is full of hot air. On a spiritual level it represents intuition and may be a sign of developing gifts or abilities.
Peace: The Dragonfly can represent peace, happiness, contentment. If things aren’t going too well right now, it is a good omen for better times. It’s a great card for romance, careers and money matters.
Psychic: When you are looking for encouragement or guideance on development of psychic abilities, clairvoyance etc, The Dragonfly can guide you on your spiritual jouney. It can also warn if you are about to take the wrong path or go to quickly.
The Dragonfly can signify a person who is behaving out of character or someone you don’t feel comfortable with. It can also be a situation involving trickery or lies.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity
When The Dragonfly appears in a card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This major card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Dragonfly usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you.
Reversed Meanings: insecurity, delay, cunning, unused ability, greed, lack of self-confidence, unimaginative, manipulation, untrustworthiness, conniving, trickery
When The Dragonfly reversed card appears in a reading it is a sign that you will need to be careful not to miss the opportunities coming your way. Don’t allow self-doubt to stop you from seizing the moment. If it refers to a person, The Dragonfly reversed can mean that a person in your life who presents themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy may actually be trying to use you or manipulate you. Watch out for deceitful and greedy people and be careful who you trust with this major card in reverse!