Water: With ties to water, it suggests the ebb and flow of daily life. Lovers, think about who is giving and who is taking. Occasionally it can symbolize a feeling of drowning, that everything is overwhelming.
Health: The Seal can be a card about health and fitness. It can suggest a need for will power. Time to stop smoking/drinking? Count the calories? Get to the gym?
Romance: The Seal can be a card about romance and relationships. It is generally an optimistic card but is best used as guidance for existing arising issues.
Family: The Seal can be a card about family and friends. It can signify a person or a situation that needs attention, sometimes long overdue. Time to talk?
The Seal can indicate boredom or lethargy or can signify a person or situation where things may be getting a little too comfortable. Time to shake things up?
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: beliefs, bonded, conformity, religion, marriage, commitment, conventional, traditional values, mercy, traditional institutions, inspiration, social approval, forgiveness
The Seal is the card of traditional values and institutions. The Seal can represent a counsellor or mentor who will provide you with wisdom and guidance or a spiritual or religious advisor such as a priest, vicar, preacher, imam, rabbi or a monk. Alternatively, you may be dealing with someone who is very set in their ways. The institutions The Seal card can represent include economic, religious, political, social, family, educational, social welfare and medical. Its appearance can signify that now is a time to conform to convention or tradition. It’s not a time to rock the boat. It can also be an indicator that you will take part in some sort of traditional ceremony or that you may start creating some new traditions or rituals of your own.
Reversed Meanings: unconventional relationships, vulnerability, unorthodoxy, challenging tradition, foolish generosity, unconventionality, frailty, unconventional lifestyles, reversed roles, impotence
When The Seal appears reversed it is time to break with convention. You will want to change traditional structure, social norms and rigid rules. Those close to you may not understand this need to challenge the established way of doing things and may be completely against it but with this major card appearing in your reading you will feel compelled to think for yourself and through away the rule book. The Seal reversed can signify an unconventional way of living or an alternative lifestyle. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are clinging desperately to old ways to your detriment or it may indicate that you have feelings of guilt and shame associated with behaving in a way that goes against the values you were raised with. Learning to live by your own rules, while still listening to your own conscience, will bring you freedom from oppression. It will open your mind and expand your horizons in a positive way. The Seal reversed can also be an indicator of conflict with a person in a position of authority.