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Locksmithing is thought to have been born in ancient Egypt and Babylon around 4000 years ago. This makes locksmithing one of the oldest professions in history. The Locksmith denotes a symbolic journey away from the Land of Unreason to the Promised Land (note the connection here with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt). The concept of crossing the river is one that turns up again and again in mythology.
Psychologically, the river can be taken to indicate the flow of the subconscious, emotional Self, whilst the fragile craft in which we travel may be taken as the strivings we make toward spirituality. This can often be tossed about by rapid flowing, ever-changing feelings but in the end, with sufficient determination, we can indeed reach the shores on the farther side of the river.
The work of the locksmith required ingenuity and accuracy. Locksmiths were often masters of several different, yet allied trades. As such, they were probably the most skilled of all the metalsmiths. It was a very lucrative profession yet some locksmiths were known to use this to their advantage, not only like the common day burglar but also to access information and secrets that could be used to extort their more lowly customers.
The locksmith was often assisted by a journeyman, who stayed with different master craftsmen for varying lengths of time as part of his journey. The master also employed just one or two boys as pupils or workers who remained with the master until they had learned the trade. Whilst many locksmiths were good employers, there were also those who chose to rest on their laurels, reaping the rewards of unpaid or underpaid underlings.
An upright card generally signifies you are on the right track. As a locksmith had access to secrets and opportunity for using that which belonged to others, this may symbolically show lessons leaned in respecting the privacy and property of others.
An upright card generally signifies you are on the right track. As a locksmith had access to secrets and opportunity for using that which belonged to others, this may symbolically show lessons leaned in respecting the privacy and property of others.
Upright Meanings: progress, healing, calmer waters, sorrow, travel overseas, lethargy, relief, moving forward, spirit guides, moving on, overcoming hardship, feeling deflated, harmony, escaping, calm after a storm, journey, things calming down, journeys, running away, stability, going on holiday, travelling, holding onto negativity
Reversed Meanings: defeat, floods, stormy relationships, return from travel, eloping, difficulties, causing trouble, lack of progress, nowhere to run, slow healing, obstacles, out of frying pan into fire, disrupted/cancelled travel, stuck, trapped, delay, standing your ground, rocking the boat, changing/ abandoned plans, trouble coming, overwhelmed, instability