Balance: We often see The Gorilla on 2 legs, symbolizing the balance we have got in our lives (or not). Is there something you are not letting go of? Are you working too hard? Is someone being unreasonable about something? Are you dealing with a breakup or passing?
Questions: Where do questions need to be asked or answered? Is someone asking questions about you? Where in your life is there a question mark that needs you to provide the answer?
Career: The Gorilla can be a card about career and job prospects. It can signify a person or a situation where things will improve. Looking for work? This is a good omen!
Fear: The Gorilla can sometimesbe what is called a fear card. This very much depends on how you feel about these animals. If they make you shudder or panic at the thought then look at both reversed and upright meanings.
The Gorilla can signify a male friend or relative or family disagreements. It can indicate a person with depression or bereavement. It can refer to a symbolic death of something important like the loss of a job or business.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: loneliness, bankruptcy, bad luck, hardship, divorce, poverty, destitution, despair, unemployment, struggle, poor health, alienation, illness, homelessness, financial ruin, financial loss, breakups, adversity, feeling the world is against you, recession, negative change in circumstances, temporary financial hardship, outcast, feeling left out in the cold, scandal
The Gorilla is not a great card to get as it represents hardship, rejection or a negative change in circumstances. You may be feeling like the world is against you and nothing is going your way when it appears. It can signify bad luck, struggles or adversity. Homelessness, unemployment, alienation and poverty are all represented by this minor card and it can signify illness, divorce, breakups or scandals causing turmoil in your life. If you are feeling left out the cold, firstly, remember that this situation is only temporary and then ask yourself if you are reaching out for any help or support that is available. There is help out there for you. It may be in the form of moral support from friends or family, financial assistance from social welfare, or even the kindness of strangers but whatever it is, take it. Nothing lasts forever and this hardship too shall pass.
Reversed Meanings: forgiveness, end of hardship, being welcomed/accepted, revival, making progress, improvement in finances/luck, positive change, health improvement/ treatment, recovery from losses, becoming financially secure, becoming employed, courage, paying off debts, employment, overcoming adversity
The Gorilla reversed is a good omen especially if you have been going through a tough time as it represents hardship coming to an end, overcoming adversity or a positive change in circumstances. You have struggled through the hard times. When everything seemed hopeless, you held on and now you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! It can also signify improvement in relationships, finances or luck. This minor card can also represent illnesses improving, recovering from problems and being accepted or welcomed back after a period of alienation or isolation. You should be in a much more positive frame of mind, beginning to rebuild your feeling of security and stability and making progress. You may also be finding forgiveness for anyone who may have caused you issues in the past. The Gorilla reversed can also indicate letting go of people or relationships that were toxic for you as you focus on the future.