Canine: The canine family can represent a male, you or a person close, or a situation that might traditionally be thought of as a male responsibility. It can sometimes suggest a relationship beginning.
Black-or-White: The Dog can represent a person who sees things as right or wrong, no shades of grey or someone very set in their ways. It can also suggest a situation where there is no easy answer.
Journey: The Dog can represent literal travel but more often a life path journey. This can be any major life change for the better – better career prospects, a relationship commitment, buying a house, finding your spiritual path, improving your diet.
Career: The Dog can be a card about career and job prospects. It can signify a person or a situation where things will improve. Looking for work? This is a good omen!
The Dog is a card that often signifies good news on the finance or career front. A job offer, promotion, pay rise? It can sometimes suggest setting up your own business.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: results, productivity, master, scholarship, craftsmanship, attention to detail, learning, success, self-employment, trade, financial security, employment, accomplishment, hard work, commitment, money, new job, confidence, rewards, concentration, reputation, building business, dedication, achieving goals, ambition, expertise, quality
The Dog card indicates a time of hard work, commitment, diligence and dedication. The effort you put in will not be in vain as your hard work will pay off and lead to results, rewards or the accomplishment of your goals. When this minor card appears in your reading, it indicates that you are methodically working towards something you want. It may seem boring, mundane or even relentless at the moment but you are on the brink of achieving great success, so don’t give up. The skills you are learning at the moment will stand to you later in life and you will come away from this experience not only with the inner wisdom you’ve gained but with a sense of pride and self-confidence from achieving your ambitions.
Reversed Meanings: laziness, poor concentration/productivity, failure, debt, dislike, no ambition, dead-end career, bad reputation, shoddy workmanship, rush job, scams, under-qualified, financial insecurity, repetitive or boring job, overspending, workaholic, poor quality, materialistic, mediocrity, void, carelessness, lack of effort/confidence/commitment/ambition/focus, mean
The Dog card reversed can indicate laziness, idleness, carelessness, lack of effort or poor concentration. Alternatively, it can indicate focusing on one area to such an extreme that you neglect the other areas of your life such as being mean and materialistic and neglecting your love life or family life or your soul. When this minor card appears in your reading, it indicates that you are not focusing on what you want to achieve or aren’t putting the work in that needed to achieve your goals or that you are spreading yourself too thin which is leading to failure. Try to set yourself goals, prioritise what you really want to achieve and take tasks one at a time. Lack of ambition, respect or confidence can all be signified by this minor card in reverse.