Feline: The cat family can represent a female, you or a person close, or a situation that might traditionally be thought of as a female responsibility. It can sometimes suggest chasing a love that is not returned.
Discord: When we see The Jaguar we should consider that it may be a warning or refer to an argument. You could be feeling threatened or intimidated – just relax and call on your spirit animal to guide you.
Journey: The Jaguar can represent literal travel but more often a life path journey. This can be any major life change for the better – better career prospects, a relationship commitment, buying a house, finding your spiritual path, improving your diet.
Psychic: When you are looking for encouragement or guideance on development of psychic abilities, clairvoyance etc, The Jaguar can guide you on your spiritual jouney. It can also warn if you are about to take the wrong path or go to quickly.
The Jaguar can signify a person who is very tightly wound or a longstanding situation where time is needed to heal a rift and there is a need to let go of the past.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: adversity, rushed decision, vengeance, overcoming obstacles, willpower, perseverance, control, self-discipline, turmoil, victory, determination, success, ambition
The Jaguar represents overcoming obstacles through determination, focus and willpower. With this major card in your spread you will be feeling motivated, ambitious and in control. Now is a time to go for what you really want. The Jaguar is not without its challenges, there may be many obstacles in your path but if you stay focused, keep your composure and are confident in your abilities, you will be successful! It can also represent travel (usually involving driving) as The Jaguar is after all a mode of transport. The Jaguar can also indicate that you may be acting defensively or aggressively to hide that you are feeling emotionally vulnerable. You may feel like you are in a battle at the moment. Don’t worry, if you maintain your focus, you will be successful! The Jaguar is also an indicator of success in sports or competitions. The Jaguar represents finding the balance between the heart and mind. Put any worries aside and maintain your focus.
Reversed Meanings: lack of direction, unsuccessful, lack of self-control, coercion, aggression, vanquishment, failure, forcefulness, defeat, powerlessness
The Jaguar card reversed can indicate that you feel powerless and are lacking direction. You need to take control of your own destiny and not let outside forces determine your path. When The Jaguar reversed you are still moving but you have let go of the reins. You need to regain your drive and determination. Don’t be a passenger in your own life, focus and take your control back! Consider what aspects of your current situation are within your control and take proactive steps to change your fate. You may be powerless, lacking in confidence and put upon by others or by the circumstances of your life. This may be leading to anger, frustration and uncontrolled aggression. If the people in your life are being too needy and demanding you need to take back you power in a productive way. Be clear about what time or resources you are prepared to dedicate to others. Set your boundaries and stick to them.