Wings: The Ostrich can represent wanting to spread your wings, feelings of boredom or being held back, often relating to work/career. Stay-at-home parents may relate. It can suggest wanting out from a relationship.
Discord: When we see The Ostrich we should consider that it may be a warning or refer to an argument. You could be feeling threatened or intimidated – just relax and call on your spirit animal to guide you.
Health: The Ostrich can be a card about health and fitness. It can suggest a need for will power. Time to stop smoking/drinking? Count the calories? Get to the gym?
Clarity: A time when things begin to come clear. Can also mean clairvoyance or spiritual enlightenment. Sometimes it warns to look clearly at a person or situation before making any decisions.
The Ostrich can indicate a situation where someone is burying their head in the sand or a situation where it is hard to get to the root of the problem.. Putting off starting that diet or exercise?
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: intelligence, organised, luxury, sensible, melancholy, high social status/social butterfly, loyal, down to earth, witch, businesswoman, talents, wealth, financially independent, mature grounded female, welcoming, the finer things in life, kind, generous, homemaker, success, healer, nurturing, prosperity, no-nonsense, thoughtfulness, practical
The Ostrich represents high social status, prosperity, wealth, luxury, success and financial independence. This minor card tells you to approach issues in a sensible, practical, no-nonsense manner and you will be successful. She tells you to set goals and work towards them steadily. As a person, The Ostrich represents a mature female or feminine person who is generous and usually wealthy or financially independent, has an affinity for the finer things in life and is good in business. She is a social butterfly with high social status and is pleasant, charming, loyal, socially poised, organised, down to earth and practical. She is a wonderful, nurturing mother and a good cook or hostess. People feel welcome in her home, secure in her company and able to confide in her. She may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.
Reversed Meanings: disorganised, chaos, poverty, disloyal, pretentious, neglect, impractical, overly ambitious, boring, mistrust, suspicion, mean-spirited, sociopath, possessive, shallow, bad mother, social climber, cheater, under/overweight/ unhealthy, jealous, dark magic, prostitution, manipulation, out of control, dangerous, wicked, ungrounded
The Ostrich represents a lack of social status, poverty, failure, dependence and being out of control. This minor card tells warns you that if you do not keep your feet on the ground you could lose everything you value. She signifies a lack of common sense or an impractical, dangerous or chaotic approach to life. As a person, The Ostrich reversed can represent a mature female or feminine person who is mean-spirited and materialistic and who can be spoiled, shallow and pretentious. She can be possessive, jealous, envious or a social climber or in her extreme state, a manipulative sociopath who will step on anyone to get what she wants. She can simply represent a woman who is unpleasant to be around, disorganised, lazy, bad with money or boring. On the other hand, when reversed this woman can appear charming and pleasant but beneath her charm there is a sinister undertone of disloyalty, evilness, wickedness, chaos and danger. The Ostrich can represent a cheating woman or a prostitute. She can be a neglectful or abusive mother and a bad cook or a careless hostess. She may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.