Our new deck of spirit animal cards is 78 in total. We have many spirit animals around us, archetypal energies, who come to help us with several issues currently in our lives. Often these are incarnate animals that see, or rather feel, our problems in a very basic and down to earth way. We are not always aware of them and we are not always ready to hear from these spirit animals, especially on subjects we are not yet ready or able to face.
The quiz comes in 3 parts:
- A few simple questions to give you 20 spirit animals from the full deck.
- You can continue the quiz with the animal spirits that have been selected for you, or you can browse the cards and click 4 or 5 to remove them from the quiz.
- The real grit of the quiz; without thinking too hard, let your subconscious and spirit energies select from a list of words or phrases that may be relevant to you or someone/something in your life, past, present or future.