You will choose your significator card from our lifestyle card deck.
First let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is and shuffle the cards.
People born under this sign are grounded and realistic. They are also more fixated on doing things that are worthwhile. They have close relationships with other Earth signs like Taurus and Virgo and they want to be useful and effective in society. Being useful as well as productive is important for Capricorns because they want to keep their emotions under check. On the other hand, they can be at risk to having turbulent emotions and they are at risk to being skeptic with other people.
Your Daily Capricorn Tarot
Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, who is considered to be the father of many Gods in Roman mythology. Similarly, Capricorns are considered the pioneers in various fields. Capricorns are associated with the element of Earth. They are grounded and steadfast. They are practical and deal with things as they come. You can be assured that they will never lose their head in a tough situation.
This tarotscope is using cards from the Spirit Guide or Spirit Animal Card Deck along with our Lifestyle cards as significators. Spiritscopes are done using archetype cards. These are different from the more commonly seen ‘horoscopes’. Spiritscopes combine psychic archetypal energy and astrology in order to clarify what’s ahead, what’s happening now, and what’s behind us.
About Capricorn: Capricorn is the 10th sign and spans from December 22nd to January 20th.Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and is associated with the constellation of Capricorn. They are depicted by the mountain goat, which signifies ambition, intelligence and steadiness. Like goats, they are patient and trustworthy.